Encyclopedia to the Diadem Universe

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Magician of Shapes:
Alias of Shanara.
Humans with the ability to wield magic. Most of them are ruthless, egotistical, and like to rule. As the saying goes, power corrupts.
A pompous jerk, and son of Lord Votrin’s advisor on Ordin. He is even more arrogant, stuck up and egotistical than Helaine ever was. He is a bad loser and fights dirty to make up for his lack of combat skills.
A magician who was once the good friend of Sarman. They grew up together. Despite this, Sarman killed him out of power paranoia. However, whenever Marmanki is killed he moves his life-force to the nearest living creature and takes possession of that body. (Ever see the movie, The Fallen with Denzel Washington? Kinda like that.) Also power-hungry, Marmanki tried to take control of a herd of unicorns on Dondar by battling the unicorn leader Darkstar. He died in battle and spent five years asleep in the body of a basilisk. Eventually, he was able to transfer himself to the unicorn Tychus. His plans at Diadem and unicorn domination were thwarted by the unicorns and the Chosen Three.
Matthew Caruso:
Score’s true name.
Middle Circuit:
The circuit between the Inner Circuit and the Outer Circuit of the Diadem. Rawn is one of the worlds on the Middle Circuit.
A magical transport between two places on the same world. It is similar to a Portal, except it is far more draining magically, especially if transporting non-magic-users. One must know the exact designation and have a clear image of it in order to go anywhere. The spell to activate it is Ambrose ronica presant.
A silver unicorn in Thunder’s herd on Dondar.