Cut and Paste Tutorial
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Cut and Paste

Right click to save images.

Open the first image in psp and increase color depth to 16 million colors (24 bit).

With your lasso tool go around the image.
Use the below settings.

Your image should look something like this.

Next cut the image out using cut function.

Open your next image and paste as a new image. Make sure you change the color depth.
You may have to use your deformation tool to adjust.

Go around the image with your eraser to clean up the image.

Use the below settings.

NOTE: You may need to size down the tip when you get closer to the image.

After your done left click to set in place.

Your image should look something like this.

© 2002 The DarkFusion Team
This tutorial was written by -_-The DarkFusion Team-_-.