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DBHS Mu Alpha Theta

The Deerfield Beach High Mu Alpha Theta Chapter internet site has moved. Please wait and relax a few seconds to be redirected to Deerfield's new Mu Alpha Theta webpage. Otherwise, click here to view the fresh new website of the Mu Alpha Theta chapter at Deerfield Beach High School.

DBHS MAO Officers
President: Nabill Idrisi
Vice President: Tanquyen Nguyen
Co-Secretaries: Diogo Almeida
Shwetha Gautham
Treasurer: Nicole Wilson
Parliamentarian: Genet Soomans
Sergeant at Arms: Wilson Restrepo
Historian: Tiffany Wong
Assistant Historians: Chi-Fai Ieong
Alina Kozinda
Tasnim Islam

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Site created and maintained by Nabill Idrisi
Last Updated: July 10, 2003