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The Order of the Sith

Recent Sith Lords

Sith Lord Biographies

Sith Apprentice: Darth Maul
Sith Lord: Darth Tyranus (Count Dooku)

"At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi. At last we will have revenge."

-Darth Maul, Acceptence speech for task to hunt Jedi Knights

The Sith go back a long way. Only a few centuries after the establishment of the Jedi Order. At this time when the Hyperdrive Engine was only a 3000 year old design, the Jedi were the masters and the force was their power. The Sith were born from a mysterious group of individuals that may have been also Jedi that learned the ways of the force. These people were individuals that were obsessed with power. The Jedi's huge amount of patience was enough to drive an ordinary person insane. This is how the Sith were born. They grew weary of reserve and wanted power and to use it. These few individuals created a clan of only 2 and one dies the other takes another as an apprentice. The Sith they called themselves, a master and an apprentice. They also established the word "Darth" which is used for the nickname for a sith lord and his padawan learner.

The Jedi were destroyed from "the belly of the beast". Thus the Golden Age of the Sith was at hand. But the Jedi as they always do killed the Sith. But more Sith Lords came back as a flood of sanded grease monkies. The Sith had the same religion except they used for the opposite cause, instead of peace, order and pure. They used Rule, War, & hate. But both believe in the force, mini-chlorines, and knowledge. But Sith like in all stories of enemies, had the better weapons, the LEGENDARY SITH LIGHTNING, Ultra-powered red lightsabers, and the ready-to-go-and- fight command. While the Jedi had no Lightning, and average Blue & Green Lightsabers. And sometimes Purple. Yet somehow they overthrew the breif overlords and attained the scepture of power. After the fall of Sith the First Republic was established.

Through the next 20 mallenia Jedi and the Republic make contact with aliens as they have done in the GOLDEN AGE OF THE SITH, and they encounter many creatures such as, TWI-LEKS, HUTTS (None became Jedi or members of the republic and there is even documents regarding hutts waging war to get "outsiders" away from their territories. The surviving captives landed on tatooine in which short-resistence was overtaken again and these people were now part of the hutts control. The hutts are not Sith nor Jedi. In a manner of speaking until the Dynasty of Jabba, they were neutral. Such events led to Anakin Skywalker.) KAMINOANS, QUARRENS, & and 1000s of other such species made contact with HUMANS along with a few 100 already in allegience with them. Many became Jedi, and Sanotors, Naboo was colonized. And Coruscant was entirely city, however it looked no different from today's real life modern citys until 17 000 years ago during the GOLDEN AGE OF DISCOVERY. By 15 000 years ago the old republic was the ruling order and with the rise and fall of sith lords that the Jedi seemed so good at keeping at bay. 10 000 a very powerful sith lord, the third strongest in history, since the first and last. the first was the second strongest, but the documents of little reliable name data since it was so long ago. But 10 mallenia is just long enough to remember such scars.

The Second was Exur Kun. He was the only Sith Lord aside from Palpatine to manage the persuasion of the republic to kill the jedi. And that they did. hunting thousands of thousands. But the Jedi would not give the scepture of order to sand monkey. They regrouped on a planet and rallied 10 000 Jedi Knights and Masters. At the time Apprentinces were viewed as infurior knights that were not ready to be given such a task. Thus they were the spectators and only helped in the last minute. Exar Kun had an Apprentince. He needed no more like Palpatine did because he didn't make the same errors and died shortly after his apprentince. Exar relied on the FIRST ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC and the padawan learner to lead the troops to kill the "Evil Jedi". The forces found the Jedi and went in full force led by both Sith Lords. The Jedi only in 1000 numbers while the sith forces were in millions. But the Jedi's ability to use the force and lightsaber skills made 1 Jedi Equivelent 10 000 weak minded individuals. and 1000 average minded individuals. The Jedi with the newly arrived Apprentinces completely erradicated the army and any other force. The sanators were quick to apologize after hearing the true story and the term KEEPERS OF THE PEACE was born. To honor the fallen the Jedi built a temple in the metropolis and later became the home and school of the Jedi. Hearing of the losses and pain the jedi had suffered their was an explosion of jedi learners. The Jedi's themselves were happy but had no knowledge of how to keep their concentration centered because they so old and many had families. It was very hard and the only reason the jedi's excepted the task was because they were pleased with turn of republic. After students stopped caming in and sith lord's rose and fell the Jedi established a school about 7000 years ago. Knowing the hardships their masters had to go through the late trained jedi made a rule the initiate must be 4-5 years old to be trained, if 6 depending on the individual. So it was hard and 6000 years the school was in full scale and suprisingly more powerful jedi were being manufactured because of this law. and berieved families finally accepted and even willingly offered children to become knights if it satisfied the jedi.

Another problem was the symbol of meterialism, love which after produced sith lords through adultry, and passesions such as droids, (im not sure but I think toys were also a problem for young initiates being forced away from them when accepted as padawans.) and things that were called "theirs" because of the pain of being parted. Thus the second rule was made. No love and a code was made to govern even the principles of these laws. There was many strifes and debates in the senate about this but still thank ful of the rescue 5 mallenia earlier was still a big history for them and they legelized. Many people were still happy to have their children as jedi. Yet some believed that they would become sith lords if something happened.

the last 4000 years were years of ease for the jedi's and sith lords rose and fell. and in last mallenia of sith dynasties the last master and his apprentice were killed by the jedi. To ensure no more conspiracies the republic tightened security and Jedi were placed in every building to guard the corridors.

Before long Yoda was born and the prime of the jedi was at hand, yet at the same time the final mallenium was rather pathetic for the republic. Because you know what they say: When there's no war, there's democracy. Peace like war comes with it's own price tag. The Old Republic is the primary testimet to this limit.

The last Sith Lord was the Emperor Palpatine or in the last days of the old republic known as Darth Sidious which also had the highest record of Sith Padawans of any sith lord in the archives, having the inferior darth maul, and the more powerful and probably the best was Count Dooku, which Palpatine refers to as Darth Tyrannus, the most powerful sith apprentice in 10 mallenia. But Darth Vador was the longest to last but the only one to turn on his master after years of powerful seduction. Some say Padme' left words that rung the lord's mind, or his meeting with obi-wan or most likely that fact that he saw his son Luke in pain that the past he had was not going deminish so easily. Personaly I think one of his reasons for change of heart was he wanted the force religoin to continue because everyone in the galaxy was loosing faith and that luke was all that was left of Padme'. Hence the saying:

"I find your lack of faith disturbing."

In the last days of the old republic Palpatine used deception and persuation on the queen decoy to become elected as Supreme Chanceller. However Valorum was the best in the mallenia of decay until the grease monkey palpatine was ruler. He took Lord Tyranus under his wing before being killed by Yoda in a second lightsaber duel. Yet Vador rose and yet he casted no sith lightning. probably it would corrupt the machinery that is his life support system. However, Vador's sith talents lied elsewhere, the ability to Choke by using the force to close the lung to tube to the point where not being able to breath isn't the problem but the high possibility of your lungs about to burst of of your chest or floating mid-air from all the dioxide in your body before death. He can also just make a remark that makes someone want to kill themselves. Thus dwidling the need for lightning. Even Sidious was pleased with what Vador could do and he was already powerful. Sidious thought vador as his best apprentice although this quickly changed with the meeting of Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker and made him recal his own past with Qui-Gon-Jinn racing with Sebulba an his Podracer and the father-like figure of Obi-Wan-Kanobi who even then he thought to know everything. However seeing this Palpatine comes to the second death star and closely watch vador until the last sith lightning is cast with him into the powerful reactor which helped Lando's attack make a somewhat bigger explosion. Anakin Skywalker returns once more. But dies as quickly as he came in his son's arms. He soon joins Kanobi and Yoda and is at peace due to luke's heroic efforts.

Again Jedi are able to come forth again. Luke allowed anyone to become jedi and allowed padawans to wed if it made them happy and didn't bar their concentration. And so Jedi were able to train with enthusiasm. Thus Jedi were able to supply the new order with their inmost allegience. And no one had to worry about losing a dream before they have it. All they needed to do was work a few years use that many to take ship to Endor IV and walk up to luke and say "Yo, I want to be a Jedi Knight." And that's all their is too it. Hell a 40 year old can get training even be a member before turning 45 depending on the strength of the force within the individual. Nonetheless Sith Lords still rise and fall with Empires he and there. Jedi lives even with families, wives, children, and friends to support them it is still a hard life and the sith if your a big enough threat to them may as well go kill them. Jedi's are nonetheless effective enthusiastic warriors and more powerful then ever and destroying the clone palpatine and empires, let alone the eye of palpatine, the Jedi's are still top dog. (Saying man's best friend won't do them justice unless you want a lightsaber up your buttok.)

My Sith Site is still being modified. Episode III isn't out yet. And I'm still only 99% sure of Sidious and Palpatine are the same dude. And as I acquire new information on history, Jedi bios, and sith bios, this site will be constantly modified.

By Matthew S. Torrens
