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Hey everyone! Well, as you may have noticed this website has been totally re-designed!

Wow! It's really been a year! I start it off in the hospital with whiplash, my grandmother goes in the hospital, my uncle has a stroke and almost dies in the hospital, my grandmother on my dad's side dies, my great aunt dies, my dad is accidentally shot in the hand, I quit a job, I lost a job, I'm getting no hours from a job, my girlfriend's dad lost his job and Auburn is "undefeated." I really don't need to know what else can go wrong.

On the up-side: I had an interview with AmSouth Thursday and things may work out for the better!

You can view my Weblog archives here and catch up on any bull you may have missed!


Our beloved Huffman Wal-Mart of many years passed its torch to the new supercenter in Roebuck
[click to enlarge]



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© 2004 James Ford