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Rules of Wrestling


Meet the Team

Meet the Coaches

In memory of Jesse Torres. A former wrestler and coach at Castle Park High School. His life was sadly ended on January 20, 2004. Thanks Coach Torres for your contribution to the sport. You will be missed by all.

Wrestling prepares a person to fight the game of life. The wrestler is the one athlete that must meet his opponent and do battle completely on his own; no one can substitute: no time outs are possible. He has no one to check, screen, block, or assist him in any way; there is no one to blame for his mistakes. When he wins, he must show quiet pride and modesty. When he loses, the responsibility is his.

Wrestling is a true sport. In other sports, when contact is made, they blow the whistle to stop the action; in wrestling, when contact is made, we're just getting started. No other sport requires more sacrifice then wrestling. The individual, through self-denial, offers more of his character than ever be explained here. It is something he carries with him throughout life, and through every trial, test, and tribulation.

A wrestling match is only a glimpse of what a wrestler goes through. You may see a wrestler on the streets running trying to keep in shape or trying to make weight. No other athlete is as self motivated as a wrestler. This sport can transform a person into the best shape of their life, and give the ability to give 100% of themselves when there is nothing left. Every wrestler knows that only the strong survives.

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"Wrestle every match as if it was your only match. If you don't give 100% you are wasting your time"
Michael Mempin 130lbs