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Class of 1962 Fortieth Reunion Biographies

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Patricia CATENA Eckert.

I moved to Florida from New Jersey in January, 1992. I've been working at different clubs in their golf shops doing merchandising and anything else that needs to be done. My husband, Peter, passed away from pancreatic cancer in 1997. So I now live alone in a little town house just big enough for me and my two cats. I play a lot of tennis when I'm not working. My eldest daughter, Maura, is married and lives in Florida, about one half hour from me. She has one daughter and one baby on the way. My other daughter and my son live and work in Manhattan, both in finance. Neither one is married.


1993: Began solo practice, limiting legal services primarily to the areas of estate planning and administration of decedent's estates.

1995: Began serving as an adjunct faculty member at the University of Rhode Island in the Masters in Public Administration Program where I teach a course in Administrative Law during the Spring semester.

2000: Was admitted to United States Supreme Court Bar.

2001: Appointed Associate Municipal Court Judge for the City of Pawtucket (a part-time post).

Kathleen CORRIGAN Fuhs.

I am still Professor of Psychology at J. Sargeant Reynolds where I spent all of 2001 working in Adminnistration as Coordinator of Assessment, supervising students doing volunteer work in the community, working on an outline of events of adult development, published in a juried publication a few years ago. I am also on the Board of Directors of the Virginia Psychological Association as Head of Policy/Publications (includes a Quarterly, biannual Directory and websites). I have been involved with the Psychology Partnerships Project of the American Psychological Association and this past April, I was invited to attend their Leadership Conference in Washingtonn D.C., where I stayed at the Capital Hilton and met legislators in their offices on the Hill -- a nice treat from APA. I am very involved with my church, St. Bridget's, where I have served five years as Chair of the Liturgy Commiottee. I do Eucharistic Minister and Lector training, captain the noon liturgy on Sundays, help guest priests and often act as sacristan. It's wild, but rewarding, when the people in the congregation don't realize that a crisis has occurred. In our diocese, communion is always distributed with both plate and cup, hence the need for 7 Eucharistic ministers.

More than a decade ago, I decided I needed to exercise and now I'm swimming a mile a day three or four times a week. Over the past three years I have lost 50 pounds, going from a dress size 22 to a 14.

My husband, Paul, is still at VA Commonwealth University, School of Business, Information Systems Department. Our son, Mark, has completed five years of a Ph.D. program in Cognitive Neuroscience at Carnegie Mellon University (Computer Science Department -- usually a 7-year program). He is "all but the dissertation" status now and is fully funded, so that's a relief. He graduated from the University of Illinois, School of Engineering, in Computer Science at 19. He is very much into Salsa dancing and sent me a tape for Mother's day of an invited performance he gave at a Cinco de Mayo celebration this year.

Anne CULLINAN Walsh.

Two years ago I retired after twenty years of teaching in the public elementary schools of Fairfield, CT. During that time I was also involved in developing their Language Arts curriculum, mentoring new teachers and taking courses in a Graduate Ed. program at Fairfield U. Ron and I recently celebrated our 38th anniversary. I am impatiently waiting for him to retire from his job as VP and General Counsel of Thames Water Americas so we can travel (not just on school vacation time), spend more time with family and good friends, and improve our golf game. Our son, Bill, an Air Force pilot and his wife, Anne, who met at the University of Wisconsin, are the parents of our grandson, Jack, and live in upstate Connecticut. Our daughter, Kathleen, a graduate of Brown and Harvard Law, worked in the Prosecutor's Office of the Bosnian War Crimes Tribunal in the Haage and for Search for Common Ground in Kiev, Ukraine after law school. She now lives in NYC and practices law for Cadwalader, Wickersham and Taft.

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