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Recently, there was the story of Vang in the media.

This Vang is an asian held in [protective] custody for killing a few hunters a while ago.

The prosecution accuses him of second-degree (non-premeditated) murder.

The defense says it was self-defense.

The incident apparently was when a group of hunters found the hunter Vang waiting for deer on someone's land which land was without adequate NO TRESPASSING signs around its borders.

Allegedly, the group of hunters rudely and belligerantly ordered Vang off the property with their guns in hand - mouthing off racist slurs against him. As Vang turned his back to them and was leaving, one of the hunters fired a "warning" shot behind Vang's back. Vang then turned around and gunned down all of them.

Now, when Vang turned to shoot them down, IF - after the shot was fired behind Vang's back - Vang turned and saw that the hunters had their guns either pointed up in the air or pointed down to the ground, gunning them down might be misconstrued as second-degree murder.....although it sure does not take long to raise or lower a gun then shoot. IF, on the other hand, [any of] the hunters had their gun[s] pointed at him at that time, it was self-defense on Vang's part to then gun them down.

The now-deceased hunters should have cellphoned the sheriff to deal with Vang instead of confronting Vang personally (especially if Vang had previously been on the property) and the sheriff should have promptly responded...rather than presumptuous arrogant hunters attempting to take what they presumed the Law was into their own foolhardy hands.

The question is: Was there a reasonable likelihood that the Wisconsin hunters would - sooner or later - have either injured or killed Vang and then secretly disposed of his body somewhere in the woods...if Vang had not executed them first?

Assume Vang had been a police officer or sheriff's deputy, and the hunters fired a shot behind THEIR back! Military protocol demands INSTANT self-defensive reaction. As was the case in the Bronson movie The Raid on Entebbe, there is NO place for delay NOR inaccuracy in split-second decisions! This webauthor has seen and enjoyed enough of the Gunsmoke, Bonanza, Zorro, Rambo, The Rifleman series, and the violent-justice movies Dirty Harry, Magnum Force, Day of the Jackal, Open Season (Peter Fonda), The Transporter, Dirty Dozen (Lee Marvin), Last Man Standing, Wanted: Dead or Alive, Rundown, Black Hawk Down, Bourne Identity, Tears of the Sun, Van Damme, The Octagon, Detonator, The Punisher and many more justice-promoting scenarios (besides what is found in The HOLY BIBLE) to come to that conclusion. He is also sadly aware of slap-on-the-wrist merely-punch-them-in-the-jaw PSEUDO-"corrective" non-realism of such no-captial-punishment wimpishness as The Lone Ranger, Roy Rogers, Superman, Batman, etc. ad nauseum. All life is NOT sacred, contrary to what heretic pro-lifers purport! If they simply read Old Testament history instead of being man-fearing men-pleasers, they could easily comprehend that. As it states in Proverbs: "A man of great wrath will pay the price, for if you deliver him, you will only have to do it again."

An additional factor comes into consideration here.

Asians from southeast Asia and elsewhere in Asia are already nervous about americans imposing themselves in both the Korean and Vietnam wars, and taunting such thus-jittery people with potentially-lethal weapons of warfare is both despicable and dangerous.

More recently, there was the occurrence of some should-have-been-illegal-alien Korean student majoring in English at Virginia Tech who genocidally went on a shooting rampage killing more students than those who died at Columbine in Colorado.

It does not help when godless chinks, niggars, and others who have difficulty speaking proper English, and who are forbidden to read the Ten-Commandments Bible in public schools by damnably-deviate libertarians, are taunted and bullied by insensitive bastards and bitches into big-shots-with-a-gun, seriously-lethal, retributionary revenge.

Flags are lowered to half-mast not to dignify terroristic-and-suicidal vile scum who blasphemously played god by making themselves out to be indiscrimate judge/jury/executioner against those who perhaps did them no direct harm. Flags are not lowered even to commemorate probably-innocent-enough victims.

Flags are lowered to half-staff to shame those of the United States of America who have suppressed and restricted study of the Bible's Ten Commandments in public schools, which Holy Scripture contains such Divine imperatives as: "You shall not murder."