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Privileged Planet!

Last Tuesday evening, I was privileged to see the video/film: The Privileged spite of the back-of-head-and-shoulders air conditioning besieging me and my spouse from the moment we entered the auditorium, plus sexually-harassing assault of some mopheaded and sleevesless female audience visitors IMPOSING their [non-solicited] aforementioned immodesty in my eyesight view of the movie screen - both of which hastened my escape away from the auditorium at the end of the video consequentially disabling us from participating in the follow-up discussion.

The Privileged Planet was a very enlightening, graphically-rich and sensibly-illustrated scientific dissertation with named male experts (many associated with NASA) in astrobiology, astrophysics, and celestial philosophy, etc. commenting throughout the video on both:

- The EXTRAORDINARY IMPROBABILITY of complex life being ABLE to develop or ALREADY be present on other planets (due to at least 20 VITAL terrestial-and-celestial life-supportive environmental conditions and factors LACKING on those other planets), and

- The PHENOMENAL presence of ALL of thosee terrestial-and-celestial life-supportive environmental conditions and facts (with NO exceptions!) - ALL ACTIVELY present at the SAME time - CRUCIALLY necessary for ALREADY-present COMPLEX life on planet Earth.

For example, the correctly-sized Earth (with its correctly-intense gravity and correctly-metallic molten core resulting in correctly-sufficient magnetic field protecting us from devastating ionic solar and cosmic over-radiation) is precisely in orbit CLOSE enough to the correctly-DISTANCED correctly-SIZED correct-TYPE Sun (to prevent global freeze-up) and FAR enough (to prevent one-hemisphere-always-facing-the-Sun rotational lockup) resulting in surface and atmospheric temperature moderation.

Earth's four-seasons-facilitating correctly-tilted axis and rotation is maintained by a correctly-SIZED and correctly-DISTANCED Moon....all of which are in precisely the correct place in a correct-type galaxy to preclude concentrated-stars center-of-galaxy destruction from exploding super novas and potentially-destructive black-hole centers.

Terrestially, the correct-percentage combination of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, ammonia, methane, and hydrogen atmosphere of correct pressure is crucial for lifeform development and sustenance, and protects such lifeforms from potentially-catastrophic meteoric bombardment. The copious amount of liquid and atmospheric water is also absolutely crucial for lifeform development and sustenance.

The consistent orbiting-electrons-based phenomena of myriad electrical currents of correct voltages and amperages within and around lifeforms result in consistent emission of the entire electromagnetic spectrum, a very narrow red-to-violet area of which photosynthesis and visibility requires - and, strikingly - simultaneously enables sometimes-intelligent lifeforms such as ourselves to appreciate and explore that which is visible.

Which leads us to the final part of the movie.

Only briefly at the end of the video is the word "God" mentioned as relating to the intelligent designer. All of a sudden there is a leap from scientifically-observed and scientifically-described beyond-coincidence beyond-probability natural phenomena and a questionably query into the philosophical 'why' and 'how come' of it all.

Now, the video is not to be FAULTED for this, as it only goes so far into theological references near the end, but then returns to its previous non-theological observation-of-nature format.

It is - however - legitimate, under certain circumstances and situations, to continue on into speculation about the MEANING and WHY of it all.....instead of ludicrously presuming (not "assuming") that anti-theologically observing and describing natural phenomena are as far as scientists are allow to speculate.

After all, there is SO much which is SO intricate, SO massive, SO extensive, SO orderly, SO imaginative, SO interdependent, SO consistent, and yet SO uniformly simple in terms of a few mathematical equations (like E=mc2 if you'll bear with my squared-less typewriter)....that delving into further contemplation is inevitable for us always-searching, forever-questioning, fascinatingly-intrigued, rabidly-curious, dangerously-exploratory, sometimes-intelligent lifeforms. [Incidently, about that last statement, we rationally-minded are not of the immentality to ridiculously search for answers by means which understandably appear lethal to us, like jumping off a cliff, drinking poison, electrocuting ourselves, etc. to find life's deepest answers].

By logical and deductive logic, OPEN-minded and NON-prejudiced TRUE scientists (non-polluted with clearly-lunatic pseudo explanations such as those spouted by divorced-and-cancer-dead Carl Sagan or spoofheaded Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy crazies) ARE QUITE allowed to speculate on both the ORIGIN of natural phenomena now existing, and the INTELLIGENT DESIGN of natural phenomena now existing. That of course eventually leads into wonder about an Originator and Intelligent Designer. Such profound endeavors are pursued by the non-biased who the sane can legally claim as "intelligent" themselves.

Not only that, but the search continues into the identity and attributes of Whatever (or better yet: Whoever) intelligently designed it all, and what was Its (or better yet: His) purpose in designing such. The "Divine" characteristics and intentions of that "Creator" or Supreme Power or Omnipotent Entity can then perhaps be ascertained by what that Creator created.

There is ONLY ONE Book which [believably] identifies and names that Creator/Designer Entity as: "God" and "the LORD" and "the Son of God, Jesus" - and that is: THE HOLY BIBLE.

Before any rebellious and asinine donkey's rectal opening flies off in a vehemently spiteful and hatefully-condemnatory anti-religious rage and tirade of quasi-murderous hostility, be it known that other sources who have borrowed from, stolen from, non-maliciously copied from, maliciously copied from, quoted from, been influenced by, of and within all sorts of cultic and kosher religions....have also identified the Creator as "God" and "the Lord."

NO one who is an INFORMED genuine SCIENTIST can nor should disregard The HOLY BIBLE when it gets to an analysis and elaboration on both the ORIGIN and the INTELLIGENT DESIGN of [created] natural phenomena perceived with at least the five physical senses. The Bible turns out to be "the only game in town" as THE TOTALLY-congruent-with-nature credible explanation of what we see and feel in and of natural phenomena both visible and invisible.

Some mentally-inadequate might (not "may") arrogantly and mindlessly retort against both The Bible and Christians applying Scriptural discourse of and about natural phenomena that: "that's only their OPINION." Well, SO WHAT?....does THAT make saintly declarations INVALID and WRONG? A tree is a tree - whether one admits it is or not. And other analogies could be put forth, but I hope the reader gets the important point.

In summary, SCIENTIFIC observations and descriptions (whether in COMPLEX DETAIL using sophisticated equations and typically-advanced-Latin semantics, or not) of natural phenomena can be temporarily limited to that only.....or..... SCIENTIFIC observations and descriptions (typically using some theological linguistics) can ALSO include the Biblical additions when exploration continues on to both the ORIGIN and the INTELLIGENT DESIGN of what is scientifically seen and felt existing within and around intelligently-designed scientists who indeed are intelligent with an intelligent (and not obnoxiously-moronic nor divisively-idiotic) mindset.