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This webauthor does a lot of his public internet work on various computer terminals within his county library.

That county-library system has various individual libraries located throughout the metro area, and within each are publicly-available computers.

Within the past year, library supervisors have put on the library-system server a very-effective (through far from perfect) filter preventing access to most porn sites (featuring photos of and hotlinks to individual and gallery photos of nude young women) plus sites of nude lesbians, nude male homosodomites, and X-to-XXX heterosexual intercourse.

As I stated, that filter consistently prevents most but far from all access to previously-mentioned porn sites.

In a way, that is quite beneficial in thwarting not only the porn addict but also disabling innocent surfers from stumbling onto porn sites with questionable or even somewhat-benign-sounding keyword webnames. To that extent, it is a step in the right direction in not only forcing people to pursue non-purient internet objectives but helping to purify and protect citizens of the community.

What is not fair, however, is that there is inadequate dress code concerning particularly FEMALE humans who enter the library - especially during warm days in spring, summer, and autumn. Lamentably allowed and not reprimanded are those with loose-long-haired mopheadedness (non-bound long hair hanging below mouth-level), sleevesless naked arms, nude legs bared with shorts and shortened skirts to various lengths, and flip-flop or other sandals worn without socks.

Such partially-indecent immodest females cause many to sin both wilfully and non-deliberately: the librarians, general-public book and magazine readers, library guards and janitors, the country library commissioner, the police who fail to arrest and remove those females clearly guilty of quasi-disorderly/indecent conduct, and so forth.

Lest people misunderstand what "Dress Code" means in terms of sexual bodily "modesty," let's ask and answer a few questions:


(01) wear black blouse, slacks, or socks? Usually not!
(02) wear white blouse, slacks, or socks? Usually not!
(03) wear cotton blouse, slacks, or socks? Usually not!
(04) wear silk blouse, slacks, or socks? Usually not!
(05) wear nylons Usually not, when covered by long skirt or long coat!
(06) wear polka-dotted blouse, slacks, or socks? Usually not!
(07) wear sleevesless blouse, shorts, or socksless flip-flop sandals? In PUBLIC, yes!
(08) go barefoot? In PUBLIC, yes!
(09) go barefoot when alone in the shower? Usually not!
(10) go barefoot when alone with her husband in the shower or bed? Usually not!
(11) go barefoot when with her husband and brother-in-law? Yes!

The following photo should help the reader to visualize what types of public attire are not only "legal" but also in accord with Scripture: