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mY wOnDeRfUlLy OdD pAgE

That's me! I'm on the beach in MS. And below are some links to my other sites... enjoy :-)

my old page... check it out
my weird page... freaky
my somewhat normal page
my *special* friends page
my awesome quotes page... neato!
this is for kyle... :-(
look! it's me and my family!
Private... don't look!

NEW TO THE SITE: WHY GIRLS LIKE GUYS (go to "this is for kyle" that will take you to it)


hey~ For the people who don't know me... My name is Sarah. I live in South Bend, Indiana. It's really not as bad as everyone says. But whatever. I'm an Irish Dancer... I've been dancing for 7 years. I also like to go to movies with my friends, and the beach...I'm a big beach bum. I like chatting online, and on the phone. If you want to talk to me you can,but you have to be nice.You can send all of those nice emails your going to send me to :-)

For those of you who do know me... I wonder what I can tell you that either myself, or someone else has not already told you. Probably nothing. but whatever, i have a page now!! I'm going to see if I can be brave and figure out how to put the photos on here. we'll see if that works. anyhow~there isn't much i can say. so enjoy the page, and let me know what you think, email me at, thanks! Buh~bye! ;-)