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Tails Zone

March 28,2003-Added Gusetbook.Go sign it!^^
March 29,2003-Updated gifts to me section of the site adding some details on pics I will be gettin in the near future and details on me and Ice The Rabbits art trade.Aslo updated gift art section of the site by adding the Ice the Rabbit drawing Inked not colored and the Ice The Rabbit computer colored version.I just added the sprite Ice The Rabbit made for me.Its so cool!!!!Added Forum,GO check it out!
March 31,2003-I added a pic I made for Janet Hedgehog and Megami Hedgehog to the Gift Art section of the site.^^
April 1,2003-I added tons of stuff today.......April Fools!
April 17,2003-I have not been aloud on the computer for a while because of my grades,but now im aloud on.I updated Gifts to me section of the site adding the picture nights kitty made for me.

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