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Second Chances

The stairs that lead up to our new home!

This is the view of the coffeehouse when you look straight ahead,at the top of the stairs. Directly to your left is the door to the "Upper Room" which you will see later.

This is the view looking to the right, from the top of the stairs. The couches you see were left behind from the previous coffeehouse named "Higher Ground".

Here is the view of the coffeehouse when you stand in the far left corner. I know that it's dark, but you'll have to excuse us for that until we have electricity up there!

And here is the view of the coffeehouse when you stand in the far right corner. I dont have exact dimensions yet, but i will get them up as soon as i can! As you can see, it's a large space!!

Here we stand directly facing the doors that open into the "Upper Room".

Let's do a panorama type thing from this spot, facing the "Upper Room" doors. This is the view looking left from that same spot.

This is looking towards the bar from that same spot.(so slightly to the right)

A little further to the right......

And here we are turned completely to the right from the same spot.

Follow the links to continue the tour!
