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Our New Apartment

Hullo everyone! Here are a bunch of pics i took of our apartment. It's not completely spic and span, but it's tidy, and about normal for our home. :)

The Outside

Here are pictures of the outside of our apartment. This is our back door:

This is our back yard:

And here's the front door!

The Inside

A little walking tour of our place! :) When you walk in our (brand new) front door,

This is what you'll see:

And from our back sliding patio doors, this is what you'd see:

If you turn to the right, you'll find our little kitchen:

If you go down the hall, past the flags, you'll find on your right, our bathroom!

And to your left, our spare bedroom.

Look it's Seth! Hi Seth!

To Seth's right, is our fish tank, with our babies, Cara and Kal:

Further into the room is Seth's Superman Display, made up of his favourite comix, favourite dolls (er, i mean, action figures, hehe) and memorabilia, such as lunchboxes and watches.

And the last room in our apartment, the 'master' bedroom!