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June 13th 2003

Hey, Joe here, I changed the site around a little bit without consulting the rest of the band, and fixed all the misunderstandings in the last post, here it is, new and improved:

well I have some terrible news, and it isn't a joke. Steve had a serious biking accident yesterday which resulted in him breaking both wrists and his collar bone. he is a good stunt biker and sadly had a huge fall down a hill in Gloucester. it is expected to take him 1-2 months to recover from this and when he does recover, we don't know if he'll be able to play bass like he used to. so we are still recording when he is better. we will keep adding pics up in the coming weeks. on a less serious note, the bios are up in the band section.

June 9th 2003

practice was today. it was an excellent time. we completed our #4 song currently untitled. its my personal fave. it starts of slow and melodic and builds to a heavy tradition rearview song. its kind of like both guns blazing by bane. we are going to start recording Friday. I got my camera and the infamous Ben Nicastro will take pictures. we will have some photographs Friday or whenever the next update is, we promise!

June 1st 2003

welcome to the new rearview site. after a few months of hiatus we are back at writing songs and are in the process of recording our upcoming ep! if you didn't know, we played the pleasant street fest and had a great time. we didn't play too well but we went nuts and so did the small crowd. also battle of the bands in north Andover was Friday night and seven day lie won and at best came in a close second. congratulations to both bands, they are amazing composers and great people. we aren't going to start shows till most likely august. our ep should get out in July, the quality is great. I just ordered a digital camera so i promise we will have pictures as soon as I get it which should be Thursday or Friday. we wont be booking but if you need a band to fill a short spot on a show, email us at lyrics, pictures, and mp3s will be up in the coming weeks so be patient. thanks- q