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Ty - vocals
Joe - drums
Quinn - guitar
Steve - bass

rearview is a group of 4 kids who don't like hardcore, yet play hardcore. combining fast beats with pulsating guitars and angry vocals, rearview plays old school hardcore which can be compared to likings of panic, give up the ghost, or minor threat. the lyrics are written by vegan front man Tyler Davis, who uses sophisticated grammar to express his opinions on current world events. after months of arguments and writing trouble, rearview called it quits in Feb.. '03. after a celebrated reunion set at the pleasant street fest, the group reunited and started practicing and writing short simple and sweet songs for the upcoming summer release "its going to get better before it gets worse." these 4 kids from Gloucester, ma are willing to play any show in new England, that is if we can keep our egos under control for another couple of years.