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Promise Ministries

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Thank you for visiting our site! Blake Martin is a 19 year old evangelist. He received Christ as Savior on October 31st, 1997. Soon after, the Lord began to burden his heart for another calling - the call to preach the Gospel. After battling with this call for several months, Blake surrendered his life to the call of God, and began his preaching ministry. Since April 31st, 1998, Blake has taken every opportunity offered him to preach the Gospel. "It's not about what I want - it's all about Jesus! If He gives me an opportunity to share what He's laid on my heart to share, who am I to turn that down?" If you are interested in contacting Bro. Blake for a revival, youth service, camp, or any other need, feel free to. "I can't believe that God would give me the honor of preaching His Word, and also allow me to enjoy it so much!" God bless you, and again, thank you for visiting this page. Promise Ministries is ever expanding! This is no longer the sole ministry of Blake Martin, but we have partnered with God called men of God to expand the outreach potential. Keep searching the site to find out more information on this exciting time in the life of Promise Ministries... Check out the monthly ministry schedule!

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