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>> Submenu 1

Put any thing here you like, for example a tagboard. 

>> About

It's been so long since my last pre-made layout, personally I think this layout is good for blogs. I really like this layout, I'm obsessed with flowers lately. Anyhow the html should be very easy to edit, I separated the div layers codes, you will se when you downloaded it. The CSS is included in the zip. If you have any problem with anything, don't  hesitate to email me.

>> Usage

Feel free to use it, but please keep all the credits links intact. Remember to upload everything when you use it, have fun!

>> Credits

>> Extra

A nice 60x60 avatar goes along with this violet layout. Hope you like it. Ach I didn't spent much time and effort design it, sorry. Don't hate me!

Same comment for the button. Hope you like it althought it's plain.

Site name © your name
Layout by Lulu, Enchanted Designs

>> Submenu 2

I find this area more suitable for some small links, like Me, You, Site, WWW etc...