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To make this mask, I first made the names in Adobe Photoshop 6.0. Then, I opened up Flash and exported the pictures to the library. I then made sure that my last name (Gardner) was on the bottom, and that it showed through my first name (Paul).

WWW Site Notes: This site was my favorite out of the 3 sites I went to. The combination of dark colors was mysterious, as well as nice to look at. What I liked the most from this site was the face that talks, while having the correct and synchronized mouth movements. When I first saw the site, I jumped when I saw the man on the site pop up at me. The effect was really neat, as well as the flame in his hands. What I also liked was the music that could be heard while looking at the site, as well as the other things in the multimedia section. The atmosphere of this site made me feel like I was in space. The databases appear really good and don't look so cluttered on the site, making it easier to look for what you want. The colors used were really good too. I don't like to view sites that are just white, or that have a lot of bright colors everywhere. This site was dark, and yet still nice to look at.

Email Paul Gardner