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u lil blogger
Sunday, 14 September 2003
taziller's bday bash
Sat/Sun: woke up worked on the slide show, went to work, hung out with trish, haha had sum fun with lil children, trish's sis gave me ride home, got ready for tylers bday real quick, then went to tyler's, every1 was thurr cept trish cause she was under dressed lol, yes then we all drove to NY, the car ride was fun we got many people to beep at the tyler mobile, yes so we went to jekyl and hyde, twas a tight squeeze but it was really fun, we met mr. chugger, and some other weird people lol, haha jacko the wacko fit in perfectly she did sum dancin, we walked through the streets of ny with southern, and brittish accents. we took pics in front of things... NAKED BOYS SINGING < the sign that is and other stuff, we witnessed a robbery a gang fight a rape and a shoot out haha nah jk ny rocks, we're all gunna move there and live like the people from Sex in the City, then we we rocked out in the car to sum old tunes, "Let's get it onn" **barry white comes on the radio** me: its so sad that he died. jess: who is this johny cash haha me: jess u are really dumb johny cash is from TN and sings country and Barry White sings soulful mood songs lol jess: im sorri im not up to date on my old people lol Yes then we got back to tyler's and watched the awesome dvd slideshow i made lol then we went bowlin in our pj's we danced to its hot in hurr and then went back to tyler's, we all chatted for a while, i fed Zimba some pixie stix, and then we began to watch scary movie 2 but i fell asleep .... luckily for tyler. then my ride came at 9 am sharp boo and i went to xc practice. the workout was pretty dandy, then i came home and chilaxed for the rest of the day twas a super weekend, tomorrow shud be barbie tastic haha

Posted by super2/nora1 at 10:12 PM EDT
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Friday, 12 September 2003
the onli reason i buttt in is beeecause i try to beehave lol
well the title for this blog does have meaning, butt i will explain it in more detail later in the blog, okie so yes today was a a school spirit dress down day woot!, me n kath wore matchin outfits haha, yes so the morning was easy psych was fun, crafts was fun, i dunno how i did on my frankenstein test, twas ghey lol, umm ya then the rest of the day i basically did nothing in any of my classes, then the pep rally, the md xc team changed into our new and stylish uniforms, they are very groovy, a band played weezer songs on stage (twas the same band that was at the chorus concert)yes i enjoyed that alot, the cheerleaders cheered n stuff, we took sum pics, there was an obstacle course, we chanted "GO HOME FRESHMAN" and that was basically it. Thennn after school mr. bellew droves us to practice. Twas a cloudy and breezy day, the park was empty, i could sense something bad in the air. The warmup run went as usual, everything seemed normal but something was definitely wrong....very wrong. Yes so we circled up to stretch, i slowly lowered myself to the ground, little did i know what was about to happen next. SUddenly i felt a sharp pain in my left buttox, i jumped up in fear. I had placed my buttox on nature's devil in disguise.... the bee. The evil scum lame excuse for a creature had injected its painful poisonous stinger into my fragile soft silky smooth upper thigh lower butt cheek. Suddenly the sting began to spread. I screamed in horror " A bee stung me in the butt" my teamates quickly reacted in response. I knew that their intense laughter was actually there way of expressing there true sorrow for my terrible accident. Ali escorted me to the nearest medics. I could not bear to look at the welt, ( actually i was physically unable too) lol but the brave soul Kathryn sprayed my buttox with something. The pain was still there. Ashley gave me a mirror so i could see the mark of the devil i am forced to live with. Ali helped by assking questions, i told her to Beee quiet but there was no use. The onli way to stop the pain was to squeeze my buttox, it didn't hurt when i squeezed it. Yes so then we did our time trial 1 mile run. The pain went away when i ran. Running was my savior. Yes So the rest of practice i ran, then i came home to more laughing family memebers, after dinner i went on another run con mi padre, then that twas all. the end. i hope you enjoyed my story.

Posted by super2/nora1 at 8:12 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 10 September 2003
smoke the bowl
yes today i went to school we had mass, then took my lost horizon test (failed it) uh yes the rest of the day was good tho then we had practice did sum BOWL REPEATS ahh 5 times of smoking the bowl i felt really sick after haha yes then we did an lsd so practice wasn't bad lol ^ onli runner's would understand the true meanings of that^ yup so we drove thers face home i let her have shot gun since she basically calls it neway lol yea then came home to sum din din and did hw the end

Posted by super2/nora1 at 10:12 PM EDT
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Monday, 8 September 2003
school daze
yes i went to school today, it wasn't that bad. starting making this plaque thing in crafts i think itll come out just nifty, yea i think i did good on my rebecca test, i hope, the best class by far tho was Chemistry! yes we had a lab today, me n tom are rockin the partnership! haha yes we were told about safety and such, i got to wear these awesome goggles and apron, haha when every1 took them off we all had red lines on our forhead, the funniest thing was melissa's tally sheet. we counted how many times mrs. tetlow said mmkay and the exact total *just in lab* was 110! everytime she said nkay i laughed a bit. yes then after the school day we went to tatum park. today's practice was good until we got lost for an hour!!! we had to do a 35 min lsd, and it ended up being like an hour omg it was scary we kept gettin lost in these paths and stupid corn feilds everything looked the same, haha but finally we made it back. whew! yes so needless to say im really sore ehh, when i got home i did hw and ate din din at the same time, then i showered and did more hw... tis all folk's

Posted by super2/nora1 at 9:49 PM EDT
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Sunday, 7 September 2003
muh weekizzle endizzle
okie well on saturday i woke up n went to work, where i trained trisha to be a party host, she is my apprentice, perhaps someday if she works hard enough she can be as good as me at hosting parties. yes so we hosted the party then we bowled ourselves, twas fun we ate pizza n cake and soda. yes then we drove trish home. then came on home. then we hadda go back to the bowling alley cuz i forgot my shirt, i know your all thinking, Nora? Forgeting something? nooo, well yes i did so i drove back there. **** Note to all new driver's: when stoping at the stop sign to get into the bowling alley parking lot you must either make a right or a left, you can not go straight*** yes my mom had a hissy fit cuz i went straight and just parked instead of following the lil arrows. okie yes that was saturday mostly it sucked.

SUNdAY< uh woke up went to practice, twas nice running day, then came home showered went to work!!, yea the party was cool i decorated nicely, ate sum cake, good work day, came home dogged dinner, then did homework, yea i realized we onli really have 1 day off from school. becuz friday we have school, and sunday is a school night, so saturday is basically our onli free day, so when teachers are like ooo well u had all weekend 2 do ur hw. tell them wateva! we do wha we want, we onli have 1 day off so back off. okie thats all

Posted by super2/nora1 at 9:52 PM EDT
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Friday, 5 September 2003
uh im tired so ill sum it up quickly, school was fun, then practice um not as good, then fridays with tyler deb n jackie, that was allota fun, we saw manyy people, a high speed chase, a drug bust, and a fight... overall a good day n night.

Posted by super2/nora1 at 11:59 PM EDT
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Thursday, 4 September 2003
heck no! ok ill go! day one! totally fun! haha wow
went to school today, this was muh morning....
i overslept lol i planned on awaking at 6 am and instead i woke up at 6:30 am uhh yes i showered then i put sum hair spray in muh hurr, then i hauled ass to the bus stop booo, which came late, yes then i arrived at school, said hi to every1 again it was soo nice seein all dem, then hr twas interesting, then crafts was mega fun, onli 9 people in the class, i sit at a table with Al and Tom, i tried very hard not to laugh lol, AL pointed out that next to miss T's name on our schedule it says $50, haha hmmm for what i wonder so yes i was laughing at that for a whole lotta time, and then when miss T said for the $50 she will supply everything, i laughed even more (in my head of course) then me n tom traveled to Espanol, alyssa n lauren r in that class too soo woot, "puddy face", then we mosied on down to brit lit, uhh scariness, then Psych, i was totally Psyched about how cool Psych was, thats def my fav class, uhh then too the death star, alegebra 2, darth keefe, back again, that class wasnt too bad, dan asked keefe y we didnt finish our geometry book last year and she came back with an awesome comeback "why did you loose sleep over it" haha that made me giggle, then we went to Gym, saw alyssa again! lol, that was good i guess, we talked the whole time about near death car accidents weve had, then finally we went to chemistry "nn kay" twasn't bad at all, overall twas a good ol' day, yes then i came home, visted gpa, then went to staples got my sketch book, i did sum sketches, of a tree, a snake, and Nefertitti, < the 1st femal pharoh> then went to my bro's hockey game they lost 4-0 uhh then came home n watched the fb game, gooo redskins woot! thats all.

Posted by super2/nora1 at 9:59 PM EDT
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Monday, 1 September 2003
Labor Day
today i celebrated the laboring work force of america, and how did i do that? I went to work. whoa it was mega hectic i hadda 35 kid party all by myself, but my aunt helped me so i was grateful for that, yes then i came home ate sum din din then went to muh gparents then came home yes all done

Posted by super2/nora1 at 10:57 PM EDT
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Labor Day
today i celebrated the laboring work force of america, and how did i do that? I went to work. whoa it was mega hectic i hadda 35 kid party all by myself, but my aunt helped me so i was grateful for that, yes then i came home ate sum din din then went to muh gparents then came home ues all done

Posted by super2/nora1 at 10:57 PM EDT
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Sunday, 31 August 2003
uh ya today i woke up then drove to subway got sum food then drove on down to homdel park, ate sum subs then did bowl repeats, yea then home then worked on my book summaries, got ready for jess's bbq then ty came over n we walked to jess' when we arrived we found out jess was at sarah's so we mosied on over thur, yes then me jess sarah jack n ty watched sum perfect murder, uh sarah's mom fed me lots of food, then we all went back to jess' for sum dessert, we ate n watched road rules, then trish came, then we went walkin round to the water, we met up with sum pepo, then walked home, scary adventure home, uh yes then i said bye to every1, so depressing that summers almost over well that is all

Posted by super2/nora1 at 11:14 PM EDT
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