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This site is for the clan **Night and Day** from Giropets.

Sadly Night and Day has shut down. but there is a new clan in its place.. PETS RULE

hahah okay havent updated in forever. i looked at the site in firefox and it is horrendous lol. anyway as stated above Night and day is no more. But pets Rule is :D also the guest book service is no more so i will be taking the link down lol.
Okay i've added all my list of comics to the site. now if you have a link that you would like to see on this site please e-mail me at nnd[at]nnd[dot]cjb[dot]net.(sorry i dont know the java script to mangle my e-mail address and i dont want e-mail harvesing bots to get it, lol
Okay Yay another update, lol. okay i've added the pictures for the clan logos to a page, lol. simply look to the side and clik on the pictures link. when there you will see the directions, if none of the directions work right simpy mail me at
Until I get a good design for the page with the new logo i have added a placement image. its just 3d text so nothing much, lol hope you like it, lol
Congrats to Kikyo on winning the logo contest. Also i have uploded the other entries in case yall would like to use them for something, lol. if you do not wish to have your image used please tell me.(weirdkitten) I will work on getting the new logo in place and then i will present a grand opening of the site, lol
Okay i've updated the comics page and i have fixed the link sorry about that, lol
Wow, okay, two updates in one day, boy are you lucky, okay not really i have changed the test page into the index page, which you are seeing now. Please leave comments about it in the guest book okay. I worked hard on it and i hope you like it, oh and there is not more testhtml page any more. :) for now that is.
Okay nothing much is happeining on giropets. SO far all that has really happend was that Shandamajor and bsadowski, have been demoted to modertor for lack of involvement in the site. And another issure of the highlights have been started, with Neon as the head of it, so get out there and submit your articles.
Also thanks to darktrilon, so far i think he is the only one to submit an entry for the logo contest. so people get out there and draw. :)

Bad me i havent updated in a while, lol, i have thought about getting a blog but i'm not sure if one will work on this page lol.
i have a guest book for the clan now you can sign it here
and you can view it here
I have updated the test page slightly tell me what you think of it. Test 8-4-04
As you have noticed we have a new address for our site. also please click on the adds as we get one cent for every time one is clicked.