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World War II: D-Day Game

A Game of Decisions Leading Up to the Normandy Invasion

To war and glory... On June 6, 1944, the Allies in a daring move finally launched their European assault on "Fortress Europe". Still the largest sea-borne invasion, D-Day involved almost 3 million troops crossing the English Channel onto the Normandy beaches of France. Besides the logistical difficulties of this great assault named Operation Overlord, there were many other pressures on the leadership on both sides. Franklin Roosevelt, the President of the United States, had to work with the ever-testy Winston Churchill, who wanted to jump right into the war. Britain was reeling from several years of German Air Bombardment in the Battle of Britain. On the Eastern Front, Russia under Joseph Stalin was fighting a losing war against Germany and needed a Western Front to divert German forces. On the Southern Front, the war in the Mediterranean and North Africa was proceeding well for the Allies, but it was not meant to be the major Allied Theater. For Hitler, the war had become a guessing game and one of greed. He had to maintain his hold over Europe, while also pressing the Eastern and Southern Fronts. He knew the Allies were hatching a plan for another front, but where? Jump into the role of either FDR or Hitler.

Choose your leader:

Start FDR game
Start Hitler game
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