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Subject: web site memorial pages
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2002 23:09:40 -0600
From: "Robin" <>
Dear Leobarb,
I talked to my best friend five minutes before the first plane hit the World
Trade Center.  It has been hard for me to realize that I will never see or
talk to him again.
Just hearing a word can make me start to cry again.  The healing process is
a long and hard one.  Your beautiful pages are helping to make the pain
easier to handle.
I would like to make a screen saver out of one of your pictures on your web
site.  Will you give me permission to do this?  If so could you also give me
instructions on how to do this.

Subject: Re: web site memorial pages
Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2002 23:49:53 -0500
To: Robin <>
Dear Robin:
I am so sorry to hear that you lost a friend in the WTC Disaster, and I can
imagine how you feel.  I didn't lose anyone in the Disaster, but the pain
was just as unbearable, and the one plane crashed just southeast of us here
near Pittsburgh.  My other half (Leo) felt really bad, too, but nothing like
I did, and he was really worried about me.  I cried for weeks, and I still
do whenever I see those horrible images on TV.  I felt so helpless when that
happened!  I wanted so much to be able to do something, and the only thing I
could offer were my tears and prayers.  The only way I was able to comfort
myself was to put all of my energy into making that Web Site.  I was filled
with emotions I had never felt before, and when I sat here at the Computer,
I just started to put things together that expressed how I and millions of
other people felt.  There were feelings of horror, anger, hate, fear,
sadness, and love for thousands of people I never even met.  Now I continue
to work on the Site with feelings of pride and to heal, and I'm glad to hear
that you visit the Site to help heal, also.  It really makes me feel so good
to know this!
Are you from New York, and are you male or female?  I know two other
Robin's, one male and one female, so that is why I am asking.  Did your
friend work at the WTC?  We're you able to view the Tribute In Lights?  I
saw that on TV and cried my heart out.  I watched the news all day for the
six month anniversary, and it hurt just as bad.
Feel free to take anything you want from my Site, cause that is what it is
there for.  As far as making a screen saver, I do not know how to do that.
I have two beautiful screensavers on the Site that you can download, but I
did not make them.  I got them in the frenzy of patriotic emails at the
time, and felt they were beautiful and should be viewed by everyone, so I
put them up on the Site.  I have no idea who made them, though, but they are
safe to view.
I've had many emails and guestbook posts concerning my Site, but you are the
first person to write who actually lost someone.  I would like you to know
that if you need or want to "talk" to someone about what you've been going
through, please feel free to write to me.  Like I said, I didn't lose anyone
like you did, but I still feel the same way I did the day it happened.  I
just constantly feel like things will never be the same again because of
this.  Time does heal all wounds, but I will never forget that day as long
as I live.  I learned real quick to appreciate things more and to not take
things for granted, cause they can be gone in an instant.
Well, I have a bunch of other emails to answer, so I better get busy.  Like
I said, feel free to write to me if you wish.  I find it hard to find people
who understand how I feel, so I know what you have been going through.  My
prayers are with you and your lost friend!

Subject: Re: web site memorial pages
Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2002 09:56:59 -0500
To: Robin <>
Dear Robin:
Your letter yesterday gave me the inspiration I needed for the newest Page
to my Web Site.  I did this right after I wrote you the other letter, and I
uploaded it at 3:00 in the morning.
Would you mind if I posted your letters (with my responses) somewhere on my
Web Site?
I think it would be an inspiration to all those who visit here.
Please let me know as soon as possible!

Subject: Re: web site memorial pages
Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2002 11:35:42 -0500
To: Robin <>
Hello Robin:
This is the Page I made with your letter and my responses.
I uploaded it so you can view it, but I have not yet linked to it from the
I can easily delete it if you do not wish for it to be posted.

Subject: Re: web site memorial pages
Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2002 23:26:48 -0600
From: "Robin" <>
Hello Barb,
If you would like to add my letter to your home page you are more than
welcome to.  I wish I had paid more attention to my grammer.  Please don't
use my last name.
Thank you for giving me permission to download one of your files from 911.
The picture I am interested in is the bear holding the American Flag.  Below
the flag are the words God Bless America.
Watching the Tribute in Lights was hard.  I was crying so hard my television
was blurry.  The two beams of light represent so much not only to me but to
everyone who lost a loved one.
It's hard to believe that I will never hear Mike's voice again.  His
laughter was contagious.  Or get another big bear hug from him again.

Subject: Re: web site memorial pages
Date: Sat, 23 Mar 2002 01:43:40 -0500
To: Robin <>
Dear Robin:
Thank you for allowing me to post your letters on my Web Site.  I removed
your last name like you asked me to.  I will probably put the page up for
viewing sometime over the weekend.  It will be linked from the Home Page.
Feel free to download anything you want from the Site.  Some of the pix make
nice Desktop Wallpaper, so maybe the one with the bear will work for you.
I can imagine how you felt watching the Tribute In Lights, cause I felt the
same way, and that is why I made the WTC Tribute In Lights Page.  As soon as
I saw that, I got an idea and started searching the net for the pictures.  I
wanted to see if I could find more and different pictures, but your first
letter to me inspired me to put the page together that night.
I gather you were very close to Mike, so I know how you must feel.  Just
remember, those good memories you have of him are something that can never
be taken away from you.
Well, like I said before, please feel free to continue writing to me if you
feel the need to "talk" to someone who understands.

Subject: New Army for God
Date: Sat, 23 Mar 2002 00:57:02 -0600
From: "Robin" <>
Hi Barb,
I found this in my mailbox when I came home from work.  The envelope only
had my name on it.  Someone had just walked up and dropped it in.  Sorry it
took me so long to send this to you but it was hard for me to type.  I wanted
to share this with you.
A Powerful Poem
Author Unknown
It was late one Tuesday evening, before a mother could sit down
To tell her only child about the terror that hit downtown.
She looked into the eyes of her son, God, she loved him so!
She felt her heart begin to break, and the hurt begin to show.
She gathered all her strength and courage, as her story she began to tell.
Baby, don't cry, but I'm afraid daddy might be under a building that fell.
The boy looked back at his mother, his eyes made not one blink.
And the mother's tears began to fall, what would her baby think?
You see, his dad is a firefighter, and his hero from the day of his birth.
He loved his dad more than anything else that could ever inherit this earth.
The mother's head began to drop, her forehead resting on palm.
She thought her son would be upset.  Instead, he was very calm.
The boy leaned over towards his mom, and put his hand upon her head.
In her ear he began to whisper, and this is what he said:
Mommy, please don't cry!  I knew daddy wasn't coming home.
I talked to him just a while ago, but it wasn't on the phone.
He told me that he loved me, and he promised we'd meet again.
He told of his new home and the job he was to begin.
God is building an army, and there are many angels needed.
That is where daddy and the others went.  They weren't all defeated.
It was then the mother lifted her head, the tears streamed down her face.
And she could feel her husband's presence, as it filled her heart with grace.
It was then she knew her son was right.  He was in God's great army now.
She also knew her son was safe, that he'd be kept from harm somehow.
So, evil-doers of the world beware, an army is on the way.
Bolstered by new angels who left the towers that day.
Their commander has never been beaten, His power has never been matched.
And if evil thinks He was almighty before, well,  the surface has just been scratched!

Subject: Re: New Army for God
Date: Sat, 23 Mar 2002 02:20:55 -0500
To: Robin <>
Hello Robin:
Thanks for sharing this Poem with me.  It is beautiful and just might end up
on my Site as well!  I just posted your Page for viewing if you want to
check it out.  Let me know what you think of it.
What did you think of my Tribute In Lights Page?  I still want to add more
pix when I find some that are different than those.
I have been thinking about doing a memorial page on my Site.  If you would
be able to email me a picture of Mike, I would be happy to put it up.  Let
me know!
Well, I better go, cause we have to get up early, so I will talk to you
again soon, I hope.