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5 Tips to Care for your Little Feline

1- Don't let your cat go outside, even for a few hours, because it exposes them to a host of dangers and diseases.
2- If you care for you furniture more than living creatures, you have no business adopting a cat. A cat that is declawed has no defense against animals or abusive humans it might meet if it ever wandered away from home. Declawing is also a painful expierience to the cat and may cause permanent crippling.
3- Although cats can be quite self-reliant when necessary, most cats are social creatures who need lots of attention and affection and shouldn't be left alone for too long. If you job keeps you away from home for most of the day, consider adopting two kittens so they can keep each other company.
4- If you want more than one species in your household, such as a dog, rabbit, bird and so on, it is ok. In fact, some cats count dogs, rabbits, or horses as their best buddies.
5- If their is an infant in the household, and the cat and infant are introduced gradually, they should get along fine, provided their play sessions are brief and monitored by adults. Most cats aren't interested in babies anyway.

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