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Last updated January 13, 2004

Hello everyone, I'm sorry it has taken me a while to update this site. Life at Chautauqua Airlines has gotten much better. We finally got through our contract disputes. I was pretty happy with the outcome. I got a raise, which is always nice. A lot of airlines, both big and small, are having trouble still these days. We are one of the few that have prosperred lately.

My Schedule is currently under construction.

All of the routes that we fly are now available. This should be current to January 2004. Click at the bottom of this page where it says to.

Welcome family and friends to my web page. I'm experimenting with this web page stuff. I thought I might use it to let everyone know who,what,when,where,and why I am. Please email me and let me know what you think.

When I'm sure people are viewing this site I will start adding stories of my travels. So, be sure to email me and let me know.

Currently I am living in Orlando, Florida. I work for the same airline that I first got hired on with. I know this has been confusing because of the different airline names you hear me talk about flying for. Here's how it company's name is Chautauqua Airlines. We are a relatively small airline employing approximately 750 pilots. What we do is offer our service to the main airlines. Right now USAir, American, and Delta are using us. At any time I could be flying for any of these. We fly the type of airplanes that is pictured at the top of this page. It is an Embraer 145. We fly three models of this aircraft, the 145, 140, and 135. It is made in Brazil, South America. It's nickname is "The Jungle Jet", because of where it is made. Yes, we used to also fly turboprop's that I started flying with this company. We no longer fly them. We now are an all jet company. The altitudes we fly at vary depending on distance, winds, and ATC's (Air Traffic Controll) preference. It can be from 22,000 feet on short flights up to our maximum altitude of 37,000 feet on longer flights. We fly to many different cities. Our flights are 1 to 2 1/2 hours long on the average. We have some shorter and some longer. The average speed we travel at is around 520 mph. The 145 carries up to 50 passengers, 3 crewmembers, and 2 jumpseaters. The 140 carries 44 passengers. The 135 carries 37 passengers. It weighs up to 48,000 lbs.

Today, April 26, I finished my upgrade training to become a captain. I will be flying with a training captain for around 20 flight hours. Then he will sign me off and an FAA inspector will ride along on one of my flights to approve my procedures. At this time I will be released into the world.

I have finished all my training and the FAA has signed me off as a captain. I also have completed the move to Orlando. I am going to be renting a place for a while. My plans are to purchase a house in the next year.

Keep checking in to see.

Thank you.

Click here to go to my photo album and story page

Click here to go to My Schedule

Click here to go to our Routes Flown
