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by Josh "general funk" Taylor

Click on the image below to see a Quicktime version of the movie.                                                                             


Josh Taylor's: Lord of The Rings

This fantastic tale revolves around the journey of young John Murtiashaw and his rag-tag band of underclassmen buddies. Watch as they risk capture and certain death in the name of protection of middle earth.

Music Video: Afi's "Fall Children"

Warning: The surgeon General of rock warns that viewing this video, which rocks so hard, would be equivalent to like exploding.... twice.

Shot gallery: A test of our rudimentary skills

In our early days there was a quick attempt at easy editing techniques.... it isnt pretty, but here it is.

Note: Please excuse the random noises in this video..... Our friend Jess Macinko just thought it was hilarious.

"Deliverance 2 : Lost in North Stonington"

The chilling tale of a few friends on a camping trip turned terrible. The next time you consider a camping trip, remember these 3 deceased students