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Password recovery services, lost password recovery, forgotten password recovery for AOL, Hotmail, Yahoo and many others.
Password Crackers, Inc.
America Online (AOL)®, Yahoo® and Hotmail® 
Password Recovery

We are not hackers and will not engage in any illegal activity to recover passwords. We work exclusively on behalf of legitimate users who require password recovery services for their own files and/or accounts.

Because we cannot independently verify the true owners of America Online® accounts and screen names, Yahoo®, Hotmail® or other dial-up email accounts we cannot perform password recovery services ourselves for these accounts. Further, since AOL®, Yahoo® and Hotmail® are willing to help their legitimate account holders recover their passwords, there should be no requirement for account holders to contact an outside service such as ours to recover passwords.

Account holders who have forgotten their own AOL® passwords should contact an AOL® Screen Name/Password Representative at 1-888-265-8004 (US) or 1-888-265-6304 (Canada). For security reasons, they will need to verify the account information. You should have the following information ready before calling:

  1. Checkbook or credit card for account from which AOL account charges are deducted
  2. AOL screen name
  3. Address
Account holders of Yahoo® and Hotmail® dial-up accounts who have lost or forgotten their passwords should contact their service providers for assistance.

Password Crackers, Inc. does offer a freeware utility available for download here.

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The information on this web site is protected by copyright. Except as specifically permitted, no portion of this web site may be distributed or reproduced by any means, or in any form, without Password Crackers, Inc.'s prior written permission. © 2001 Password Crackers, Inc., USA. All rights reserved.