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*My SiTe*

ThIs SiTe DeDiCaTed tO mI bEsTeSt fRiEnDS!

hey sexies! alyse carly jessie kelly laura- my WiNx! love you!! **aLwAyS AnD FoReVeR** Taylor miles trevor nathan jordan kyle brandon daniel andre corbin raja michael-i'll ALWAYS love u-ur like my brothers -promise me we'l be friends FOREVER. trevora is wonderwoman and i am pinklecat man.we are cantelopes that can't read backwards. kelly me n trevora are the best superheros ever. alyse likes to jump on cars and carly is a jungle creature! DaNiEllE BeRg Is ThE WoNdErFuLLeSt PeRsOn! we do so many things together and omg have the BEST times!! we are some crazy kids! i love hanging out with you!! soo many memories!! GREGOR! HAHA yes! the BEAST!! i hate her!! hiding in the closest! wow without you i dont know what i would do!! i love you so incredibly a lot!!! TrEvOrA My CaNtElOpE~~ you are such a rad guy and i love hanging out with you!! you have been there for me any time i needed to and i am so grateful for that!! we gotta hang out soon! xoxoxoxoxo i love talking to you danul -random stuff haha i have known you soo long and we've been through a lot! we have such good times!! carpenteria is the best!! CarLynne- most amazing person! alyse i can talk 2 u bout nething!-thankyou BraNdon is the raddest hanging out w/u Nathaniel... dedication to you.ur awesome! Taylor-the sweetest guy i know- thanks for being there for me nothing will change laurela* kaTie- thank you for everything! you were my first new friend in middle school and i know we will be friends forever!! we can talk on about anything and i love it!! you really are a special girl with an awesome personality! love ya!! JeSsi- bf forever!!man all our kid memories are soo awesome! we did so many things!!! our club, sleeping in the playhouse, painting it but never finishing, potions, lost girls, making trains out of wagons boxes and bikes, doctors, house on the fence and sidewalk, playing in the rain, baby go, fishing at silver lake, secret bathroom, our mail job, hiding in your closet when your parents came in, american girls and chou chous! hahaha i am soo lucky to have a bestfriend like you that lives next door to me! love you sooo much!! i cant imagine how my life would've bee with out you!! we have such a tight friendship and we wil be friends forever!!


*My PhOtO AlBuM!!*username-pinkldy828 password-tami
*My E-mAiL & s/N!!*
