<XMP><body> </xmp> Anapolis in Crete, Greece, pictures and information, beaches, nature, travel, hotels, apartments, car rental

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The church on the village square in Anopolis. A church on the way to Anopolis. And a windmill :)... Building a new part of the Monastery.
The Agios Yoannis Theologos Monastery. One of the chapels. The other chapel Mosaic floor in the chapel.
The inside of the church. The inside of the church. The other chapel The village of Anopolis in the distance.


About 15 kilometers east of Heraklion, south of Kokini Chani and Gournes lies the village of Anopolis. This place is populair for the Watercity Waterpark, also called "Aqualand". The actual village though lies behind this tourist attraction and is a very sleepy little village with a couple of beautiful churches. On the edge of the village you will also find the Agios Yoannis Theologos Monastery. It was originally build close to the sea, but most of it was destroyed in a storm. In 1896 it was then moved to Anopolis and restored. The church is filled with frescoes and floor mosaics. Next to the old complex they are now building an even bigger extension of this place.

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