The Greek Islands Corfu info Corfu Hotels Corfu History Corfu real estate Corfu travel Corfu Sights Corfu Beaches

corfuCorfu beaches: Kondokali - The village of Kondokali can be found at a six kilometer distance of Corfu Town and it is quite touristic. From the village there are wonderful views over the Bay of Gouvia and the small island of Lazaretto just off the coast. During the Venetian occupation the ships that were suspected to carry pestilence aboard were quarantained on this island, and during the Second World War it was used as a place for executions. Behind it you can see the mainland of Albania. Kondokali is situated a small distance away from the main road and there are several bars, tavernas, shops and hotels. Several small streets end up at the pebble beaches, which can become very crowded in the summer. The bay is well sheltered, rather undeep, and you can play several watersports. Between Corfu town and Kondokali there is a regular busservice. Much of the real old authentic Greek feeling cannot be found here though.

Corfu, Gouvia Corfu, Gouvia Corfu, Gouvia Corfu, Gouvia Corfu, Gouvia
Corfu, Gouvia Beach Corfu, Gouvia Beach Corfu, Gouvia Beach Corfu, Gouvia Corfu, Gouvia

Corfu beaches: Gouvia - A lively and not all too large coastal village just a bit north of the capitol Corfu town. The village consists of a couple of streets with mainly shops, restaurants and places where you can have a drink in the evenings. In Gouvia there is a harbour for sailboats and the beaches are short and not very wide. At the beach there is a memorial for the Serbian troups that landed on the island of Corfu on Januari the 5th 1916. The village is situated a few kilometers past Kondokali, in the middle of a bay that forms a natural harbour. The views are over the sea and over the Pandokrator mountain. Gouvia is a family kind of place where it is safe to swim, and it is more quiet than Kondokali. There are umbrellas and sunbeds for rent and you can put on the waterskies. Close to the harbour of Gouvia there are remains from the Venetian times (See also in the menu on the top "Corfu Sights: ). During the First World Wat the French fleet used the bay of Gouvia as a marine base.

corfuCorfu beaches: Kommeno - One of the less known beaches on Corfu is Kommeno, which is situated between Gouvia and Dassia. There are not many touristic facilities in the village, but that is what attracts certain kind of people. Kommeno lays in a small bay and it looks out over Kondokali and the Bay of Gouvia on the other side. There are a couple of good sandbeaches, of which some are reserved for the visitors of the luxury Astir Palace Hotel, that is situated in this village. Kommeno is actually more a cape and a bay than an old village. It is situated at some distance from the busy main road and it is surrounded by forests. Between Corfu town and Kommeno there is no busservice, and the best thing to do is to reach it by car. You can also make the walk from Gouvia village (three kilometer) or from Dassia (two kilometer).

Corfu, Dassia Beach Corfu, Dassia Beach Corfu, Dassia Beach Corfu, Dassia Beach Corfu, Dassia Beach

Corfu beaches: Dassia - Dassia is a popular small coastal village north of Corfu town and here you will find many hotels, shops, a couple of bars, a discotheque and a large number of restaurants, and there are also cash machines for your bankcards. Dassia has a lively feeling. The beach of Dassia is a pebble beach and it is long and narrow. Towards the direction of Ipsos the beach gets less and less crowded. From Dassia it is very easy to get public transport to the capitol of Corfu town. The popularity of the village of Dassia is rapidly growing. In spite of the fact that the beach is pretty large it is getting filled up quickly each high season because every year more hotels are build here. The coastal road runs right through the village and on both sides of it you can find the majority of the tourist shops and tavernas. The long pebble beaches are situated away from the main road though and can be reached through narrow streets. The olive tree fields take away the noise from the traffic. "Dasos" means forest and it is named this way because of the many forests in the area. More to the north the pebbles make place for sand. On the beach of Dassia watersports can be played. Please note: the pictures here are of a beach just outside the village.

Corfu, Ipsos Beach Corfu, Ipsos Beach Corfu, Ipsos Beach Corfu, Ipsos Beach Corfu, Ipsos Beach
Corfu, Ipsos Beach Corfu, Ipsos Beach Corfu, Ipsos Beach Corfu, Ipsos Beach Corfu, Ipsos Beach

Corfu beaches: Ipsos and Pirgi - Ipsos is a vibrant and touristic village that is set in a beautiful bay. Here too there are plenty of shops, hotels, bars and disco's and there is a possibility to cash money. The beach at Ipsos is long stretched and covered with pebbles. Just above Ipsos is the village of Pirgi. Originally Ipsos and Pirgi were two seperate villages but time has made them grow together and become one because of all the houses and hotels that were build in the area. The two villages share a slightly curved beach with sand and pebbles and it is also refered to as "the golden stretch". In the background is the Pandokrator mountain. These places are well suitable for people that travel alone and it is very English orientated. In the villages there are plenty of bars and there are parties going on. More fish and chips are served that traditional Greek cuisine so it would be unfair to call them typical authentic Greek traditional villages. Before and after the highseason the beach, just like the villages are much more quiet. During this period they are also suitable for families. There is a good busservice between the villages and Corfu town. Unfortunately in Ipsos the main road is right by the beach.

corfuCorfu beaches: Barbati - The beach of Barbati is situated two kilometers east of the beach of Pitgi, but this beach is more of a family kind of beach for people that enjoy a more quiet holiday. There are all kinds of facilities on the beach though, like the rental of umbrellas and sunbeds and you can also play all kinds of watersports. The number of shops, restaurants and hotels is much smaller. Barbati has got an impressive surrounding which is more beautiful than those of the coastal villages in the south. The hills are covered with olive trees and behind it is the Pandokrator mountain. The beach is white-ish and consists of some more fine pebbles. The main road runs a bit above the village and the bay is protected from the sea, making it a safe place for children to swim. At the beach there are also many trees that provide shade.

Corfu, Nissaki Beach Corfu, Nissaki Beach Corfu, Nissaki Beach Corfu, Nissaki Beach Corfu, Nissaki Beach
Corfu, Nissaki Beach Corfu, Nissaki Beach Corfu, Nissaki Beach Corfu, Nissaki Beach Corfu, Nissaki Beach

Corfu beaches: Nissaki - In Nissaki just like in Barbati the main road runs high above the village and the different beaches. This is why you can only reach these beaches over steep paths that run down through the olive tree fields. Most of the bars, restaurants and shops are on the main road, but on the large pebble beach there are also a couple of taverna's. Next to the largest of the beaches there are some coves that offer more privacy and you can reach them after a short walk. Nissaki is a pretty small village yet still there is the possibility to play watersports or rent a boat. There is also a diving center in the village. Nissaki is situated on a 40 minutes busride (22 kilometer) from Corfu town and in the high season there are six busses a day going this direction. The beach can also be reached by boat from the capitol.

Corfu, Nissaki Corfu, Nissaki Corfu, Nissaki Corfu, Nissaki Corfu, Nissaki
Corfu, Nissaki Corfu, Nissaki Corfu, Nissaki Corfu, Nissaki Corfu, Nissaki

Nissaki is a village that is suitable for people that are looking for peace and quiet. It lies in a beautiful area with lots of greenery at the foot of the mountain Pantoktator. There is not much evening entertainment here, but there are some very good tavernas and the people in this area are very friendly. There is a cozy atmosphere. Besides the main beach the other beaches have some larger rocks and so they will not be to everybodies taste, but they are quiet. Maybe it's not bad plan if you book accommodation in this village to look for something with a pool, so you have an option to dive into the water.

Corfu, Kaminaki Beach Corfu, Kaminaki Beach Corfu, Kaminaki Beach Corfu, Kaminaki Beach Corfu, Kaminaki Beach

Corfu beaches: Kaminaki - Kaminaki is the first village on the coastline where you can catch a bit of the old non-touristic Corfu feeling. The village is situated at a small distance eastwards of the beaches of Barbati and Nissaki. You can reach this beach over a winding curvy road that leads from the main road downwards to the coast. There aren't many hotels and what you can rent is mostly apartments and studios, that are hidden in the tree covered hills. Many of these apartments are pre-rented by travel agencies though, so it will not be easy to find accommodation. The beach of Kaminaki consists of small while pebbles and there are a couple of taverna's. Just behind the beach there are a couple of more taverna's and some shops. A path along the coastline leads you north to other tourist destinations like Agmi, Kalami and Kouloudra.

Corfu, Kalami Beach Corfu, Kalami Beach Corfu, Kalami Beach Corfu, Kalami Beach Corfu, Kalami Beach
Corfu, Kalami Beach Corfu, Kalami Beach Corfu, Kalami Beach Corfu, Kalami Beach Corfu, Kalami Beach

Corfu beaches: Kalami - Kalami Beach is a pebble beach that is situated in a beautiful bay on the northeast side of the island of Corfu. It lies just below the harbor of Kouloura and not far from Agni Beach. It is a small tourist resort with a number of accommodations, some tavernas and a small supermarket. It is also possible to rent a boat in Kalami. The beach of Kalami is long and narrow. In the middle part the beach is at its best and on this part there are also parasols and sunbeds for hire. On the south side of the beach is a small harbor which is surrounded by magnificent cypresses.

Corfu, Imorolia Beach Corfu, Imorolia Beach Corfu, Imorolia Beach Corfu, Imorolia Beach Corfu, Imorolia

Corfu stranden: Imerolia Beach - Imerolia Beach is a small pebble beach just south of Kassiopi, at a distance of about ten to fifteen minute walk. At the beach are some accommodations for rent and there are one or two tavernas. In high season it is apparently also possible to rent a sun bed.

corfuCorfu beaches: Agni - The beach of Agni is situated on the northeast side of the island of Corfu, just above the village of Kaminaki. The beach can only be reached by a winding and very steep path leading down from the main road, that at this point is at 600 meters above sea level. This long and steep route scares off a lot of the people that want to quickly go to "whatever" beach. In spite of this Agni attracts quite a number of vistors that come walking to the village over the beach or that arrive by boat. Agni has got a steep pebble beach with a couple (three) of taverna's on it. There are sunbeds and umbrellas (for free). These are all the facilities on the beach. It is not very suitable for children because of the steepness of the beach and because of some sharp rocks in the sea. From the beach there is a view over Albania.

Corfu, Kouloura Beach Corfu, Kouloura Beach Corfu, Kouloura Beach Corfu, Kouloura Beach Corfu, Kouloura Beach
Corfu, Kouloura Beach Corfu, Kouloura Beach Corfu, Kouloura Beach Corfu, Kouloura Beach Corfu, Kouloura Beach

Corfu beaches: Kouloura - Before the coastal road really takes a bend to the north, there is still this small coastal village left: Kouloura. Kouloura is even more quiet than Kalami, but it also has a much smaller pebble beach with also some rocks on it. Here there are no sunbeds and umbrellas for rent and other facilities are limited. Kouloura has a cute circle-shaped harbour with some fishermens boats and some tourist yaughts, and there is only one taverna. The route to Kouloura goes over a road with tall cyprus trees on both sides and also along the boulevard in the village harbour there are cyprus trees. "Kouloura" means ring and it derived its name from the round shape of the bay in which the village is situated and because of the shape of the harbour. The mainland of Albania is only a a few kilometers distance here.

Corfu, Kouloura, Chouchoulio Beach Corfu, Kouloura, Chouchoulio Beach Corfu, Kouloura, Chouchoulio Beach Corfu, Kouloura, Chouchoulio Beach Corfu, Kouloura, Chouchoulio Beach
Corfu, Kouloura, Chouchoulio Beach Corfu, Kouloura, Chouchoulio Beach Corfu, Kouloura, Chouchoulio Beach Corfu, Kouloura, Chouchoulio Beach Corfu, Kouloura, Chouchoulio Beach

Corfu beaches: Chouchoulio - Chouchoulio Beach is a beach a few hundred meters away from the port of Kouloura, from which you can see it laying in the distance. It is a small pebble beach with no umbrellas or sunbeds. A little further on is a second beach where it is a little quieter. If your head towards the direction of Kouloura, you will come to a crossroad where you can choose to go to either Kouloura or Chouchoulio beach.

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