The Greek Islands Corfu info Corfu Hotels Corfu History Corfu real estate Corfu travel Corfu Sights Corfu Beaches
Corfu, Kerkyra Corfu, Kerkyra Corfu, Kerkyra Corfu, Kerkyra Corfu, Kerkyra
Corfu, Kerkyra Corfu, Kerkyra Corfu, Kerkyra Corfu, Kerkyra Corfu, Kerkyra

The nature on Corfu - Because of the regular rainfall on Corfu the island is beautifully green. On the island there are a couple of rare animals, like a small population of Medriteranean monk seals, and the endangered caretta turtle (allthough the larger part of these turtles seem to prefer the Ionian islands more in the south). On the island also lives the jackal (a wild dog that is very seldom found in Europe nowadays).

The Pandokrator mountain is one of the biggest attractions on the island. From this mountain there is a splendid view of the bay towards Corfu town, Albania and some of the smaller iskands. On the slopes of the mountain orchids and other flowers grow, and you can find butterflies and many sorts of birds of prey, like falcons, hawks, eagles and vultures. You can climb the mountain from the village of Pirgi of from a side road halfway between Kassiopi and Acharavi. It is not an easy road. It is adviced to make the last part of the journey by foot. On the top of the mountain there is an old monastery and a radiotower. Besides all of this there are plenty of turtles, snakes and lizzards on Corfu.

Corfu, Antinioti lagoon Corfu, Antinioti lagoon Corfu, Antinioti lagoon Corfu, Antinioti lagoon Corfu, Antinioti lagoon
Corfu, Antinioti lagoon Corfu, Antinioti lagoon Corfu, Antinioti lagoon Corfu, Antinioti lagoon Corfu, Antinioti lagoon

Surrounded by cane fields the Antinioti lagoon in the north of Corfu is home to many species of birds such as herons, flycatchers, nightingales and brown harriers, and small marsh turtles swim around in the water. Around the lagoon there are some nice and quiet sandy beaches. It's a nice area for walking.

The Loutses cave is situated in the northeast of Corfu, close to the village of Loutses, at the end of a 2 km dirt track (you have to walk). The cave has stalagmites and stalactites and its bottom is green from algae. In the winter the cave is filled with water.

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