GameFAQs Message Boards: Adventure - Commodore 64
The Willow Pattern Adventure
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Xim has lots of karma.
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From: WillowPillow | Posted: 7/22/2003 1:02:42 PM | Message Detail
Yes, yes Xim does.
From: Xim | Posted: 7/24/2003 8:07:21 PM | Message Detail
When was this decided?
...(¯\/¯)(¯) (¯)_(¯) ...R.I.P. Scum
...(_/\_)(_)(_/\_/\_)...4/18/2001 - 5/26/2003
From: WillowPillow | Posted: 7/25/2003 12:31:10 PM | Message Detail
When I clicked on your name.
From: WillowPillow | Posted: 7/25/2003 12:33:38 PM | Message Detail
And saw your Karma.
From: Xim | Posted: 7/26/2003 10:04:11 AM | Message Detail
That is really, really interesting.
...(¯\/¯)(¯) (¯)_(¯) ...R.I.P. Scum
...(_/\_)(_)(_/\_/\_)...4/18/2001 - 5/26/2003
From: WillowPillow | Posted: 7/26/2003 1:31:19 PM | Message Detail
Yes, yes it is.
From: Xim | Posted: 7/27/2003 11:06:27 AM | Message Detail
I'm giving away all of my karma to whoever can respond to this within 20 minutes!
...(¯\/¯)(¯) (¯)_(¯) ...R.I.P. Scum
...(_/\_)(_)(_/\_/\_)...4/18/2001 - 5/26/2003
From: Xim | Posted: 7/27/2003 11:27:33 AM | Message Detail
Too late.
...(¯\/¯)(¯) (¯)_(¯) ...R.I.P. Scum
...(_/\_)(_)(_/\_/\_)...4/18/2001 - 5/26/2003
From: WillowPillow | Posted: 7/27/2003 3:24:33 PM | Message Detail
From: Xim | Posted: 7/29/2003 1:06:09 PM | Message Detail
It's OK. Soon the woodchucks will come and al will be right with the world.
...(¯\/¯)(¯) (¯)_(¯) ...R.I.P. Scum
...(_/\_)(_)(_/\_/\_)...4/18/2001 - 5/26/2003
From: WillowPillow | Posted: 7/29/2003 5:56:27 PM | Message Detail
NO Larry rules the world.
Woodchucks are not cool.
From: Xim | Posted: 8/4/2003 8:13:31 PM | Message Detail
Sure they are, they're bringing air conditioning with them.
...(¯\/¯)(¯) (¯)_(¯) ...R.I.P. Scum
...(_/\_)(_)(_/\_/\_)...4/18/2001 - 5/26/2003
From: WillowPillow | Posted: 8/22/2003 12:05:47 PM | Message Detail
the air coinditioning broke.
From: slobr | Posted: 8/25/2003 9:43:22 AM | Message Detail
*sails by on an iceberg*
õ¿Ô - All I want is a warm bed, a kind word, and unlimited cat turds.
¯¯¯ - §£øß®
From: WillowPillow | Posted: 8/26/2003 10:44:13 AM | Message Detail
awwwww...I want an Ice Cube.
From: Xim | Posted: 8/27/2003 10:44:46 PM | Message Detail
Why do all the good topics on boards I revisit get purged? ;_;
...(¯\/¯)(¯) (¯)_(¯) ...R.I.P. Scum
...(_/\_)(_)(_/\_/\_)...4/18/2001 - 5/26/2003
From: teflon | Posted: 9/20/2003 2:40:18 AM | Message Detail
Because of the chickens.
"Japanman is a nice name."-PsykopijonSnowball3
Official n00b hunter of the Rockman EXE 4 boards!
From: WillowPillow | Posted: 9/20/2003 10:39:08 AM | Message Detail
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
From: Icarus Ascending | Posted: 9/25/2003 11:20:05 AM | Message Detail
*peeks at Xim's karma*

Man!! That thing is huuuuuuuuuge!
Away to the sun! No one's stopping me from lying around. There's surely something to it all.
From: Xim | Posted: 9/25/2003 10:28:28 PM | Message Detail
Damn mods. I'd have about 900 or so karma by now if those meanies would just not do their job so well.
...(¯\/¯)(¯) (¯)_(¯) ...R.I.P. Scum
...(_/\_)(_)(_/\_/\_)...4/18/2001 - 5/26/2003
From: Xim | Posted: 10/8/2003 7:41:38 PM | Message Detail
In 8 days, I'll become a Legend with 350 Karma, and this account will be one year old! Madness!
...(¯\/¯)(¯) (¯)_(¯) ...R.I.P. Scum
...(_/\_)(_)(_/\_/\_)...4/18/2001 - 5/26/2003
From: WillowPillow | Posted: 10/10/2003 6:56:20 PM | Message Detail
6 days now!
From: Xim | Posted: 10/13/2003 11:39:48 PM | Message Detail
Three days! Drinks are on me when it happens. So you'll have to pry them off of me with industrial strength drink-prying tongs if you want some.
...(¯\/¯)(¯) (¯)_(¯) ...R.I.P. Scum
...(_/\_)(_)(_/\_/\_)...4/18/2001 - 5/26/2003
From: WillowPillow | Posted: 10/14/2003 4:56:45 PM | Message Detail
My main account almost has 300!
From: Xim | Posted: 10/15/2003 1:34:07 AM | Message Detail
300 karma is cooler than 350. Then again, going to the Legends board again will rock. And it'll also be my first one year account since my first account! And all on the same day. But 300 karma sounds better than 350. On the other hand, we have different fingers.
...(¯\/¯)(¯) (¯)_(¯) ...R.I.P. Scum
...(_/\_)(_)(_/\_/\_)...4/18/2001 - 5/26/2003
From: Xim | Posted: 10/16/2003 6:03:39 PM | Message Detail
...(¯\/¯)(¯) (¯)_(¯) ...R.I.P. Scum
...(_/\_)(_)(_/\_/\_)...4/18/2001 - 5/26/2003
From: WillowPillow | Posted: 10/17/2003 4:56:32 PM | Message Detail
How is the legend board?
From: WillowPillow | Posted: 10/17/2003 4:57:37 PM | Message Detail
When I have 300 karma in my main account, I will post here with it!
(5 more days!)
From: Xim | Posted: 10/18/2003 9:51:35 AM | Message Detail
Cool. I wonder who your main is. Chances are, I've probably seen you around.

And the Legends board is... a LOT smaller than I remember it. Barely two pages of topics. I remember back when I first got there, it was HUGE!
...(¯\/¯)(¯) (¯)_(¯) ...R.I.P. Scum
...(_/\_)(_)(_/\_/\_)...4/18/2001 - 5/26/2003
From: WillowPillow | Posted: 10/18/2003 2:38:43 PM | Message Detail
I'm guessing you used to be Scum right?
Did you get banned?
And if you did how?(if I may ask)
And I don't think you have seen me around.
I used my main alt. account for board hunting and old topics, and I have seen you there, but I don't know if you have noticed me.
From: WillowPillow | Posted: 10/18/2003 2:40:07 PM | Message Detail
And this account was going to be my sisters, but she made it and never went on again, so I have it now!
From: Xim | Posted: 10/20/2003 1:15:36 AM | Message Detail
Nah, I wasn't Scum. Gather 'round children, and I shall tell you the tale of Scum.

Scum wasn't even a person. He was an account shared by lots of board hunters. I was never good enough to gain access. At least back then. I probably would be able to have access now. I just really respected him, so that's why he's in my signature. He said some of the funniest things I've ever heard. He was.. special, like no account could ever be. I say 'he' because he really seemed like one person.

Yeah, he got banned. A former board hunter named outbreakorn who had access to Scum gave the password to LOLAnimeFanboys, one of the KOS (really bad user who is banned on sight, otherwise known as a Kill On Sight). So, obviously, he got Scum banned so he'd become more notorious. That's how famous Scum was. Next to CJayC, he was probably the most well-known user on all of GameFAQs.
outbreak had always been kinda jealous of Scum's fame, so I guess that's why he did it.

I've always been fascinated by Scum. Ever since I discovered board hunters back in 2001, I've always had this sort of admiration for them. I guess that's what inspired me to become one myself. Scum was so popular in fact, that he would have been un-banned, had the person who created it not requested that it just be put to rest. That person was ColdFusion, a moderator.

I suppose CF just decided to call it a day. I hope Scum comes back one day, even if it is through another account. But even then, it just wouldn't be the same. He was truly special. I'll never forget him. If you want to know more about what Scum was like, head to the boards Ninja Golf and Captain Goodnight. There's still plenty of his posts there. That Scum sure loved apples!

...(¯\/¯)(¯) (¯)_(¯) ...R.I.P. Scum
...(_/\_)(_)(_/\_/\_)...4/18/2001 - 5/26/2003
From: Xim | Posted: 10/20/2003 1:19:28 AM | Message Detail
You're like the sixth or seventh person since the banning who thought I was Scum. >_>

Is it the sig?
...(¯\/¯)(¯) (¯)_(¯) ...R.I.P. Scum
...(_/\_)(_)(_/\_/\_)...4/18/2001 - 5/26/2003
From: WillowPillow | Posted: 10/20/2003 6:15:01 PM | Message Detail
Hey cool that was a truly interesting and touching story!
That is cool that all the board hunters got to use it, and it would have been cool if you could have used it!
I sort of hunt for boards, and we should meet at a board and talk, but I will use my real account.
And it is your sig that made me think you were Scum (but that isn't a bad thing!)
From: WillowPillow | Posted: 10/20/2003 6:16:38 PM | Message Detail
If you like, go to Mad Doctor for the Commodore 64.
I used to have a lot of topics there, but they got purged...
From: WillowPillow | Posted: 10/20/2003 6:17:44 PM | Message Detail
(You will see my main account, plus my alt. there.)
From: WillowPillow | Posted: 10/30/2003 8:52:54 AM | Message Detail
Where are you Xim?
From: Black Mist | Posted: 10/31/2003 12:10:30 AM | Message Detail
That story almost brought tears to my eyes, Xim. ;_;

Rejected: Most. ****ed up. Movie. EV4R!!!111!!!11!!!!1!
No, wait, scratch that. Rejected is beyond ****ed up... Like meta-****ed up or something.-Hellknight
From: WillowPillow | Posted: 11/1/2003 9:58:06 AM | Message Detail
I know.
It was a good story!
From: WillowPillow | Posted: 11/7/2003 8:45:38 AM | Message Detail
Now Xim has even more karma!
From: Xim | Posted: 11/15/2003 6:31:23 AM | Message Detail
Oh deer.
...(¯\/¯)(¯) (¯)_(¯) ...R.I.P. Scum
...(_/\_)(_)(_/\_/\_)...4/18/2001 - 5/26/2003
From: WillowPillow | Posted: 11/15/2003 10:46:38 AM | Message Detail
so where have you been?
From: WillowPillow | Posted: 11/16/2003 10:33:13 AM | Message Detail
lol never mind, I asked that on Mad Doctor.
From: WillowPillow | Posted: 11/25/2003 6:01:54 PM | Message Detail
Now i have lots of karma too.
From: WillowPillow | Posted: 12/4/2003 5:13:38 PM | Message Detail
Is anyone there?
From: NickBush24 | Posted: 12/13/2003 8:05:31 PM | Message Detail
No, please hang up and call back later.
Ma: I know why they call you Pa, cause you're PA-thetic!
Pa: I know why they call you Ma, cause you're always riding MA ass!- King of the Hill
From: WillowPillow | Posted: 12/14/2003 12:27:20 PM | Message Detail
Ok. Mr. Operator
From: WillowPillow | Posted: 12/21/2003 5:18:13 PM | Message Detail
Oooops. No dial tone...
From: Xim | Posted: 12/22/2003 11:36:02 PM | Message Detail
*hangs up phone*
...(¯\/¯)(¯) (¯)_(¯) ...R.I.P. Scum
...(_/\_)(_)(_/\_/\_)...4/18/2001 - 5/26/2003
From: WillowPillow | Posted: 12/23/2003 11:38:22 AM | Message Detail
I'd like to order a penguin please.
And some CAEK!
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