GameFAQs Message Boards: Action - Apple II
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From: Samurai Ilama | Posted: 8/3/2002 4:45:43 AM | Message Detail
and make your country proud!
From: Scum | Posted: 8/3/2002 4:47:13 AM | Message Detail
I did.
From: korn4ever50 | Posted: 8/3/2002 5:13:06 AM | Message Detail
He's ahead!
Proud Member of AFA Anti Fanboy Alliance.
From: Scum | Posted: 8/3/2002 5:19:59 AM | Message Detail
No, he's down by 5 votes.
From: Scum | Posted: 8/3/2002 5:20:41 AM | Message Detail
Oh, he was up to 2 votes from a tie, then dropped back down to 6...
From: Scum | Posted: 8/3/2002 5:23:35 AM | Message Detail
Aya Brea 49.98% 6100
Donkey Kong 50.02% 6104
From: Scum | Posted: 8/3/2002 5:24:02 AM | Message Detail
Aya Brea 50% 6115
Donkey Kong 50% 6115
From: Dawn7 | Posted: 8/3/2002 6:04:21 AM | Message Detail
I wonder who the majority of the people think is going to win...

Awake good! Awake forever! Confusion good! Sleep bad! Staple cookies good! TV good! Video games good! Weekend good! @_@
- Dawn7
From: TrueDFX | Posted: 8/3/2002 10:52:11 AM | Message Detail
I hope DK wins. That way Mario could lose.
~TrueDFX*~ Dragoon Prince of the ŠtämÞeãd Members Board®
From: Scum | Posted: 8/3/2002 6:23:20 PM | Message Detail
Wow, last night Aya was ahead by like a couple hundred, but now...

Aya Brea 47.67% 20697
Donkey Kong 52.33% 22718

From: Shaih | Posted: 8/3/2002 6:42:49 PM | Message Detail
DK! Donkey Kong!
My name is Aymelek, and I am quite a flirt, The only thing shorter than my attention span, is probably my skirt ~ Aymelek
From: Dawn7 | Posted: 8/3/2002 8:28:59 PM | Message Detail
Um... Wowsers?

Awake good! Awake forever! Confusion good! Sleep bad! Staple cookies good! TV good! Video games good! Weekend good! @_@
- Dawn7
From: Dawn7 | Posted: 8/4/2002 9:37:02 AM | Message Detail
Oh, right... That poll is over...

Awake good! Awake forever! Confusion good! Sleep bad! Staple cookies good! TV good! Video games good! Weekend good! @_@
- Dawn7
From: Scum | Posted: 8/4/2002 3:59:55 PM | Message Detail
Who won? RdDragon?
From: Dawn7 | Posted: 8/4/2002 4:55:13 PM | Message Detail


Awake good! Awake forever! Confusion good! Sleep bad! Staple cookies good! TV good! Video games good! Weekend good! @_@
- Dawn7
From: Scum | Posted: 8/5/2002 4:29:59 AM | Message Detail
How did RdDragon win? He wasn't even nominated...
From: Dawn7 | Posted: 8/5/2002 5:44:26 AM | Message Detail


*has only the slightest idea of what Scum is talking about*

Awake good! Awake forever! Confusion good! Sleep bad! Staple cookies good! TV good! Video games good! Weekend good! @_@
- Dawn7
From: Scum | Posted: 8/5/2002 6:32:47 AM | Message Detail
You know, don't you RdDragon? How did RdDragon win? Why didn't DK win, he wasn't even against RdDragon!
From: Dawn7 | Posted: 8/5/2002 10:53:31 PM | Message Detail

*wonders if this has something to do with stamps*

Awake good! Awake forever! Confusion good! Sleep bad! Staple cookies good! TV good! Video games good! Weekend good! @_@
- Dawn7
From: Scum | Posted: 8/6/2002 1:26:35 AM | Message Detail
Don't try to confuse me with your apple talk, RdDragon. You know why RdDragon won, and I want that information.
From: Dawn7 | Posted: 8/6/2002 5:51:54 AM | Message Detail
Are you calling me "RdDragon?"

Awake good! Awake forever! Confusion good! Sleep bad! Staple cookies good! TV good! Video games good! Weekend good! @_@
- Dawn7
From: Scum | Posted: 8/6/2002 6:08:58 AM | Message Detail
What do you mean, RdDragon? Are you going to tell me why RdDragon won or not?
From: Dawn7 | Posted: 8/6/2002 6:16:24 AM | Message Detail
I meant, "Are you still calling me 'RdDragon?'" And nopers, I'm not going to tell you why RdDragon won because I don't know...

Awake good! Awake forever! Confusion good! Sleep bad! Staple cookies good! TV good! Video games good! Weekend good! @_@
- Dawn7
From: Scum | Posted: 8/6/2002 6:46:18 AM | Message Detail
Oh, an interesting move, RdDragon. But I know you know, you can't keep it a secret forever...
From: Dawn7 | Posted: 8/6/2002 6:53:39 AM | Message Detail
I didn't know you thought I knew...

Awake good! Awake forever! Confusion good! Sleep bad! Staple cookies good! TV good! Video games good! Weekend good! @_@
- Dawn7
From: Scum | Posted: 8/6/2002 8:00:24 AM | Message Detail
Nice try, just tell me and I won't get out the anti-RdDragon box.
From: Dawn7 | Posted: 8/7/2002 5:31:23 AM | Message Detail

Are you still calling me "RdDragon?"


Awake good! Awake forever! Confusion good! Sleep bad! Staple cookies good! TV good! Video games good! Weekend good! @_@
- Dawn7
From: Scum | Posted: 8/7/2002 5:35:21 AM | Message Detail
Are you still referring to me as "you," RdDragon? Wow, that an interesting RdDragon habit you have, RdDragon.
From: Dawn7 | Posted: 8/7/2002 6:12:02 AM | Message Detail
Who is "you?"

Awake good! Awake forever! Confusion good! Sleep bad! Staple cookies good! TV good! Video games good! Weekend good! @_@
- Dawn7
From: Scum | Posted: 8/7/2002 6:13:56 AM | Message Detail
Don't play your mind games with me, RdDragon. Just tell me whatever I wanted to know a few posts back. I'm too lazy to check and see what it was, but you're on the honor system.
From: Dawn7 | Posted: 8/7/2002 6:17:23 AM | Message Detail
AHA! Then "you" is... Uh...




*points at an atom*

Awake good! Awake forever! Confusion good! Sleep bad! Staple cookies good! TV good! Video games good! Weekend good! @_@
- Dawn7
From: Scum | Posted: 8/7/2002 6:20:53 AM | Message Detail
'Tis a fine barn, but sure 'tis no atom, English.
From: Dawn7 | Posted: 8/7/2002 6:22:45 AM | Message Detail
In... gal... lash?

Awake good! Awake forever! Confusion good! Sleep bad! Staple cookies good! TV good! Video games good! Weekend good! @_@
- Dawn7
From: Scum | Posted: 8/7/2002 6:26:51 AM | Message Detail
No, RdDragon, it's spelled how it's spelled.
From: Bruce | Posted: 8/7/2002 6:07:52 PM | Message Detail
Sure it is .
New Sig! -> Old Or hard Inn.
Actual Motel in Nova Scotia
From: Dawn7 | Posted: 8/7/2002 10:11:57 PM | Message Detail

Wait... Nopers, it isn't!



Awake good! Awake forever! Confusion good! Sleep bad! Staple cookies good! TV good! Video games good! Weekend good! @_@
- Dawn7
From: goatnad | Posted: 8/8/2002 6:48:07 PM | Message Detail
Are you sure?
Beware of the nad known as Bruce!
From: Dawn7 | Posted: 8/8/2002 11:31:35 PM | Message Detail

Awake good! Awake forever! Confusion good! Sleep bad! Staple cookies good! TV good! Video games good! Weekend good! @_@
- Dawn7
From: goatnads | Posted: 8/9/2002 5:52:07 PM | Message Detail
Why not?
CAPS MY ass!
From: Dawn7 | Posted: 8/13/2002 6:48:18 AM | Message Detail
Vote for... Whoever has the most votes now!

Awake good! Awake forever! Confusion good! Sleep bad! Staple cookies good! TV good! Video games good! Weekend good! @_@
- Dawn7
From: Bruce | Posted: 8/13/2002 7:39:07 PM | Message Detail
But... I don't think that's me??
New Sig! -> Old Or hard Inn.
Actual Motel in Nova Scotia
From: Dawn7 | Posted: 8/13/2002 11:08:00 PM | Message Detail

Awake good! Awake forever! Confusion good! Sleep bad! Staple cookies good! TV good! Video games good! Weekend good! @_@
- Dawn7
From: Bruce | Posted: 8/14/2002 7:46:15 PM | Message Detail
Whoever has the most votes now!

New Sig! -> Old Or hard Inn.
Actual Motel in Nova Scotia
From: Dawn7 | Posted: 8/14/2002 11:20:26 PM | Message Detail
And who is that?

Awake good! Awake forever! Confusion good! Sleep bad! Staple cookies good! TV good! Video games good! Weekend good! @_@
- Dawn7
From: Scum | Posted: 8/15/2002 6:53:49 AM | Message Detail
Samus. I can't win this round either way...
From: Bruce | Posted: 8/15/2002 5:51:38 PM | Message Detail
Well crap!
New Sig! -> Old Or hard Inn.
Actual Motel in Nova Scotia
From: Scum | Posted: 8/15/2002 7:14:13 PM | Message Detail
Yeah, I have CATS to win. If more people would have voted for CATS before, and again now, I'd have won.
From: Dawn7 | Posted: 8/16/2002 1:06:53 AM | Message Detail
But they didn't, and thusly you didn't...

Awake good! Awake forever! Confusion good! Sleep bad! Staple cookies good! TV good! Video games good! Weekend good! @_@
- Dawn7
From: goatnads | Posted: 8/16/2002 6:30:04 PM | Message Detail
CAPS MY ass!
From: Dawn7 | Posted: 8/16/2002 6:32:00 PM | Message Detail

Awake good! Awake forever! Confusion good! Sleep bad! Staple cookies good! TV good! Video games good! Weekend good! @_@
- Dawn7
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