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Hi Everyone-Welcome to Our Little Place on the Net

Well, here we all are. Our small, but happy little family unit. Our birthdays are all finally over, which is a relief for me, but the kids are already counting the days till their next birthdays lol. So typical!! Ellie's now 9 and Shane is at long last 7. I am trying to  be optimistic about being 32; being that I haven't been this age long, I'll have to let you know how it goes!

Here is Ellie on her birthday. What a beauty. She is my little star :)

Shane is looking so much older, as well. He is a such a loveable guy :)

Ok, so I figured you'd need to see one of me, too. Ugh!

Summer vacation is here, even though I don't actually get one. The kids are going to drive the sitter crazy! In some ways I wish I were home, and then I think about all the sitter has to do in a day and I'm glad I'm at work lol. I do look forward to getting holidays of my own, though I doubt I'll get them in the summer anytime soon. Ah well, what can you do? Money is money, right?? So, I'll leave it at this and update it as time allows. Hope you enjoyed our little place on the net.

See you soon!!