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 Autobiographical Information

 Personal Interests

  Future Plans


  Favorites Sites

  Contact Information

Autobiographical Information

I’m 17 years old and in my family I’m the oldest one. I have two sisters and a brother and all of them are annoying especially my little brother. He is 7 years old and always looking up to me, because you see I’m his role model and I have to be a good one.

Enough about that and let me tell you a little bit more about my background, for starters I’m Ecuadorian, I was born in Ecuador and came to the U.S. when I was twelve years old.

I left Ecuador after my mother passed away and started living with my father and I also work for him. I can’t complain I have my own room and my own stuff. But I got to study to have a job of my own.

After I have my job I can pay for my own stuff and also have my own house and, live happy and peacefully.


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Personal Interests

 I like to play any sports but my favorite one is soccer. I never miss an opportunity to play or watch a soccer game on the TV.

 I also like to make friends it might be by making jokes or just have a good time with them.


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Future Plans

I would like to be a professional in computers, graduate from high school and go to the UIC, and keep studying until I become that professional.

I also would like to go back to Ecuador this year and visit my sister at grandma's house.

Find a job and started paying bills, well not yet but I got to do it anyway.

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Henry Dutan

Future Plans:

To become a computer programmer, have my own businesses and be my own boss. In addition, I would also like to be a TV. Technician.

Current Plans:

To participate in the Adventure and, Bilingual clubs. Also want to participate in acting. In addition I would like to get a part-time job.


Attending J. Sterling Morton High School. GPA is 2.50. Being in the honor rolls in 7th and 8th grade.

Course Work:

Computer Applications

Advance Algebra


America History

English 5/6


Soccer team in the following years: 2003-2004.

Adventure club joined in 2003.

Bilingual club joined in 2001.


Playing soccer


Working with computer (creating programs)

Writing poems



Playing other sports


Available upon request



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Favorite Sites a good web to look at for any research on any topic that you might want to check. Is also a good web site for checking the news and other stuff that might interest you a lot. good web site to look at, if you need any Spanish songs that you want to play it in the guitar. Is sort of like a guide for you to follow, with the right notes to play. good web site to look for your horoscope in Spanish, and also good to look any picture of people around the world. good webs site to check on sports, news, e-mails, and other cool stuff to look at. good web to inform you on sports, news, shopping, and health, horoscopes, etc. check it out.

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Contact Information

For more information or any questions and concerns that you might have please feel free to contact me at my personal e-mail.


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