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Sometimes you don’t really know what you’re doing and you just do it; your mind stops thinking and it is only your heart that rules your body. Every time you pass me by, I get those little butterflies in my stomach, and every single time you look at me, I get warm, and that overwhelming good feeling takes over. Each time you surprise me with something new, I just can’t get enough of you and your sweetness.
When it’s dark outside and all the stars shine above my head, when it’s cold outside and nothing can warm me up, I wish upon a star; where is my sweetie and what is he up to tonight? Is he thinking of me, I can’t get my mind off of him and his sweetness! Two minutes pass by with me staring at the shining stars above and thinking of him. The next minute makes me jump out of my dreams; my phone is ringing. The caller ID and the ringer are all yelling for my attention. It’s waiting for me to take a glimpse at it and pick it up. My eyes become wide and those butterflies start flying in my stomach when my eyes give my brain the six shining letters of his name------. You know who you are, the only special guy that I love.