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Preveli Palm Beach, Crete, Kreta


The river on the way to Preveli Beach in the spot where the road splits.

The old bridge where you can chose which way you want to go to Preveli Beach.

Preveli Beach or Palm Beach is one of the most spectaculair beaches in Crete. You can reach it in two ways. As you drive south you will see an old bridge on the left side of the road. On the left side of the river you will find the unpaved (but not impossible) road that will lead you directly to the beach. Once at your destination you will be at Preveli beach, but you will still have to climb a hill to get to the other side to "Palm Beach". At the beginning of this road they will tell you that the beach is 3 km away. Don't be fooled: the road is much longer that that! Only if you are a well trained walker you might want to try, but be reminded that you have to climb over mountains up and down, plus you have to walk back again. The other possibillity is to take the paved road on the right side. You will pass the abandoned Lower Preveli Monastery and a little bit farther down the road there is a sign pointing you to Palm Beach. At the end of this road there is PAID PARKING (1 euro 50). Don't think you are there yet, because after you have parked your car you still have a long way to go! There are many, many steps down on the old stairs (and up again!!!) if you want to reach the beach. The views are very rewarding though. And because of this don't think you are going to be alone on Palm Beach, because it's a busy beach. Palm Beach is a sandy cove with a river running through it, at the end of Kourtaliotiko Gorge. The area resembles a tropical lagoon with its palms, oleanders, waterfalls and stream which flows into the sea.

Another picture of the old bridge.

Ducks in the river.

A view of the scene from the unpaved road.

An old church we ran into along the unpaved road.

The same ducks insisted I took another picture of them :(...

Preveli Beach as seen from above when taking the stairs.

The boats in the Preveli Bay.

From above you can see the river running through the beach of Preveli.

Another picture of the boats.

The river with the palmtrees.

Another picture of the river.

A beautiful rock in the sea.

The next beach over the hill.

The clear (and cold) waters at Preveli beach.

A small taverna at the beach.

The second beach where you end up if you go by car and take the unpaved road.

Another picture of the more quiet beach on the other side of the hill.

It's getting better and more quiet.

This beach is really big and there is even another beach behind this one.

Okay, this is going to be our place for a swim.

No people so also good for nudists :).

No people? What's that boat doing here :(..?? doesn't stop.

Last picture: a beautiful round rock in th sea.