Student Council 2003-2004

"Come Together..."

In light of recent events, Student Council came up with the theme... "Come Together...".  An additional phrase will be added to this theme each quarter.  The meaning behind the slogan is that we can all bring out the best in ourselves by sticking together! Whether it be through sports, the school, or even the town. So let's "Come Together..."!

Keys to a happy life...

Compliment three people everyday.
Watch a sunrise.
Be the first to say "Hello".
Live beneath your means.
Treat everyone as you want to be treated.
Never give up on anybody; miracles happen.
Remember someone's name.
Be tough-minded, but tender-hearted.
Be kinder than you have to be.
Don't forget that a person's greatest emotional need is to feel appreciated.
Keep you promises.
Learn to show cheerfulness even when you don't feel it.
Remember that overnight success usually takes 15 years.
When you arrive at school in the morning, let the first thing you say brighten everyone's day.
Don't waste an opportunity to tell someone you love them.
