The Merry-Go-Round
Home Page!

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Welcome to the official Home Page of the Merry-Go-Round Webring!

This is a ring of websites that are dedicated to the simple concept of having good, simple, whimsical fun. Here you will find little or no so-called "adult" humor or other content; every website here should be fit for the whole familiy. Similarly, there's nothing of great earth-shattering import anywhere here; no Great Debates or solutions to social problems here.

All we want to do is have a little fun, perhaps poking a little fun at the little absurdities our society has to offer, but on the whole without hurting or offending anyone. In other words, we're going to have a merry ol' time!

Philosophy of the Merry-Go-Round

There are a lot of good sites on the World Wide Web. Surfing through the Web, you can learn about the geography of Africa, the latest in computer peripherals, treatments for arthritis, the current status of human rights, the voting record of your Representative in Congress, and a wide variety of other issues.

The purpose of the websites in the Merry-Go-Round is to provide content that has little or no material social impact. This isn't to put down or in any way belittle those sites that provide us all with important news and information; on the contrary, we appreciate them, and most if not all of the website owners on this ring make use of such websites.

However, it's also important to have fun, take a break from all the seriousness of the world, and just plain relax. If you prefer, just think of this webring as "stress management." (Yeah, that's the ticket!) We're here to provide a bit of whimsical joy, perhaps poking a little fun at ourselves and our society, but keeping a light heart and positive attitude whenever possible.

In other words, it's the goal of this webring to go around making people merry.

Is that so bad?

Joining the Merry-Go-Round

Do you have a website that you think would fit on this webring? Feel free to submit it! Just follow these four simple steps:
  1. Make sure you have a website that is appropriate to the Merry-Go-Round. It must be a "fun" site, with games, humor, a large gallery of pictures, or something else, preferably of a whimiscal nature, that someone can take and have fun with. It should also be appropriate for the whole family (with little or no "adult" stuff), though some flexibility will be afforded there. Ideally, it should be something that makes more of something that it deserves (that is, it provides some satire, but in an affectionate way). If your website is devoted to your favorite TV show which lives up to these standards (Pinky and The Brain and The Adventures of Brisco County Jr. come right to mind) then this is acceptable as well -- especially if the site is devoted to such details as plot summaries, classic quotes, and the like.

  2. Get a Merry-Go-Round membership number. The form for doing this is located here. You will be sent a verification note by email within a few minutes. This email will include the HTML code you need for the next step.

  3. Insert the Merry-Go-Round control panel into your website. Remember that HTML code I mentioned that you'd be getting by email? Just copy the code from there onto the page that the ring will be pointing to. (If you have a special page or other location for link exchanges and such information, then you may put the control panel on that page -- provided it's no more than one link away from the pointed-to page!) When you have done this, it should look very much like the control panel at the bottom of this page.

  4. Send some email asking to be inserted into the Merry-Go-Round. You can send it to me, or to someone else that you are acquainted with who happens to be on the ring. The person you contact will look over your website to see that it's appropriate for the ring and that the MGR control panel is in place, and if both of these conditions are met, will insert you. (Or, if you prefer, you can just wait around for someone to notice you in the queue. It probably won't take long.) That's it! Once this is done, your site is an official member of the Merry-Go-Round!

    Prospective Members
    Please Notice!

    This is very important! I've gotten a number of submissions for this Webring over the past few months for sites that included raunchy humor, foul language, and even (in one case) nudity. While I support the Free Speech right for such sites to exist, these run contrary to the purpose of the Merry-Go-Round Webring. These are supposed to be sites that all ages can enjoy, and I suspect that a minority of parents would appreciate having their children surfing around the Merry-Go-Round and finding this material on their screens.

    Thus, please be advised that websites with this kind of material will not be accepted into the Merry-Go-Round webring.

    There may be a few sites on here that have such material in small proportion. Whether I continue to tolerate their presence here is a question yet to be answered. The last time I looked, the objectionable material on the existing sites was slight enough to let it pass, though as of this writing I am entertaining the notion of running around the webring to make sure that this is still the case. In any event, I will be watching future submissions with a much more critical eye than I've used in the past.


    This Merry-Go-Round site is owned by Bob Greenwade.
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