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GameFAQs Message Boards: Action - Atari 2600
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Scum (32): Board List | Topic List | Post New Message | Log Out | FAQ
From: AmericanPsycho | Posted: 10/21/2001 6:03:54 PM | Message Detail
To the twisted realm of the American psycho. Sit, relax, rent a chainsaw, and stab a sixteen year old in the butt.
The American Psycho
I'm not racist, I hate all different kinds of people
From: Scum | Posted: 10/30/2001 7:08:05 PM | Message Detail
*uses a pogo stick...*
From: AmericanPsycho | Posted: 11/4/2001 8:03:35 AM | Message Detail
Holy Crap! Dude scum you rule for finding this board!
The American Psycho
I'm not a racist, I hate all different kinds of people.
From: Interceptor | Posted: 11/21/2001 7:27:18 PM | Message Detail
Hmm... Good thing I'm not sixteen.
How much are the chainsaws?
From: AmericanPsycho | Posted: 11/26/2001 7:23:37 PM | Message Detail
[This message was deleted by a GameFAQs Moderator]
From: Scum | Posted: 11/26/2001 7:34:05 PM | Message Detail
Better get started before he wakes up...
From: AmericanPsycho | Posted: 11/27/2001 6:36:56 PM | Message Detail
[This message was deleted by a GameFAQs Moderator]
From: Hommie G | Posted: 11/28/2001 7:22:46 PM | Message Detail

wha'd you say?

"Get outa my housa!"-Mario playing basketball
CS Rank:5 Lethal <SFA>
From: Mackson | Posted: 11/30/2001 7:26:54 AM | Message Detail
What happened to the Russian Psycho?
[This signature wasn't deleted by a GameFAQs Moderator]
From: AmericanPsycho | Posted: 11/30/2001 3:44:30 PM | Message Detail
I ate him
American Psycho
I hate my father, I didn't know I did... but Mr. Sawyer tells me all different things I didn't know.
From: wildpegasus | Posted: 12/3/2001 2:52:17 PM | Message Detail
Drugs are stupid. Drugs suck. Drugs are bad, mmmkay? Good. Hand me my crack pipe
From: AmericanPsycho | Posted: 12/5/2001 5:16:54 PM | Message Detail
Thats what they all say, they all so Mooo
American Psycho
Gamefaqs Hell: Its not a place, its a frame of mind
From: BobbyBReal | Posted: 12/6/2001 5:22:40 PM | Message Detail
yep that's right
The more we have the more we want- H.I.M
From: AmericanPsycho2 | Posted: 12/12/2001 3:35:54 PM | Message Detail
I ate him... Part II
From: Interceptor | Posted: 12/23/2001 12:24:00 AM | Message Detail
Ooh! The sequel!
From: AmericanPsycho3 | Posted: 12/23/2001 11:57:34 AM | Message Detail
Dum de dum
Alcohol is the solution to all of life's problems... Alcohol and spousal abuse
From: theskaterfromhell | Posted: 12/24/2001 5:15:08 AM | Message Detail
Can I use an Shotgun? I can't aim tho...*accidently shoot Scum*

Never buy World Industries skateboards.
From: Robert Deniro | Posted: 12/28/2001 1:47:53 PM | Message Detail
From: Scum | Posted: 12/29/2001 4:25:48 PM | Message Detail
Good thing I'm wearing this bullet proof vest. However, it's too bad the shot hit me in the face. I should sue the company that makes these vests...
From: Doodleheimer | Posted: 1/23/2002 10:23:58 PM | Message Detail
Why don't cops always wear bulletproof vests?
From The Book of Doodleheimer ~ I've always wanted to live in a Montana mountain, helping kids who've traveled back in time.
From: Polemos | Posted: 1/27/2002 12:12:54 AM | Message Detail

Mostly because it is very difficult to wash your middle back while wearing one, and it makes for very unnerving intimate encounters.

These are the questions, stacked like wood.
These are the answers: here is potential, gone for good.
From: Cheeser341 | Posted: 1/31/2002 9:42:18 PM | Message Detail
American Psycho is a good movie. But it isn't scary in anyway like it's supposed to be. It's more of a comedy.
7th SP-Forces Division: Spy for the GFLA
It tastes like burning!-Ralph Wiggum
From: Scum | Posted: 2/12/2002 8:13:38 PM | Message Detail
I brought my pogostick just to show her a trick, she had so many friends.
From: Robert Deniro | Posted: 2/20/2002 9:45:31 PM | Message Detail
From: outbreakorn | Posted: 3/16/2002 1:18:13 AM | Message Detail
he said you were banned
Damnit, I can't think of anything. Well, since this will be on all my post, I guess I'll say hi Mom
{Check Quote}
From: NinjaMaster | Posted: 4/7/2002 5:54:41 AM | Message Detail
I'm not banned. He must have been lying.
From: FBI Porker | Posted: 4/20/2002 7:59:18 PM | Message Detail

Jump! Bounce!
|¯ |¯) | . |¯)|¯| |¯) | / |_¯ |¯) Nessun Dorma
|¯ |_) | . |¯ |_| |¯\ | \.|__ |¯\ none shall sleep
From: Medea | Posted: 4/28/2002 10:58:33 PM | Message Detail
I'd say that American Psycho was more like a murder mystery. I couldn't figure out who killed all those people until the very end. It turns out it was Patrick Bateman! Wow! I thought it was that guy that looked like him.

You were not put on this earth just to get in touch with God. That sort of thing could just sap all the strength and the goodness out of a chelloveck.

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