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GameFAQs Message Boards: Action - Atari 2600
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Pac-Man rules!!!!!!!! All Hail Pac-Man or suffer!!!! HAHAHA
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From: pastaman44 | Posted: 8/30/2001 9:37:26 PM | Message Detail
We're each entitled to our own opinion but my opinion is that your opinion sucks.
From: Scum | Posted: 9/8/2001 4:24:04 PM | Message Detail
What are the consequences?
From: ibinsane | Posted: 9/10/2001 5:02:02 AM | Message Detail
Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas!
I Poop too much «τΏτ»
Member of MAG & Sexy supermodel
From: pastaman44 | Posted: 9/13/2001 3:13:37 PM | Message Detail
The consequences are that Pac-Man will eat you whole. If he's not around at the time I'll tranquilize you and keep you in a cage until he has time to eat you.
We're each entitled to our own opinion but my opinion is that your opinion sucks.
From: Scum | Posted: 9/13/2001 8:01:16 PM | Message Detail
Besides that, what are the consequences?
From: pastaman44 | Posted: 9/16/2001 10:20:57 AM | Message Detail
What, being eaten isn't bad enough. That is the punishment, and you won't like it.
We're each entitled to our own opinion but my opinion is that your opinion sucks. KING OF ATARI 2600 PAC-MAN BOARD!!
From: Scum | Posted: 9/16/2001 8:29:55 PM | Message Detail
What if I enjoy that kind of thing?
From: pastaman44 | Posted: 9/18/2001 3:51:40 PM | Message Detail
If you do, it doesn't matter because you'll still die. The punishment is not the eating but the death. Whether or not you have a good time or not is irrelevent. You will still die.
We're each entitled to our own opinion but my opinion is that your opinion sucks. KING OF ATARI 2600 PAC-MAN BOARD!!

PS I really didn't expect someone to complicate things so much.
From: RdDragon | Posted: 9/19/2001 3:05:04 AM | Message Detail
Any clod can have the facts; having opinions is an art.
From: Scum | Posted: 9/22/2001 2:48:50 PM | Message Detail
What if I survive, and have a jolly time doing it?
From: pastaman44 | Posted: 9/24/2001 3:18:03 PM | Message Detail
No one survives Pac-Man! Pac-Man's has a black hole inside of him which will crush you into infintecimaly small pieces. Nothing except Pac-Man himself can withstand the awesome gravitational force of the black hole inside of him.
We're each entitled to our own opinion but my opinion is that your opinion sucks. KING OF ATARI 2600 PAC-MAN BOARD!!
From: Scum | Posted: 10/14/2001 12:13:23 AM | Message Detail
What if death only makes me stronger?
From: pastaman44 | Posted: 10/14/2001 1:21:08 PM | Message Detail
If you mean that you're going to return as some ethereal being then...Who am I gonna call? Well, you can guess.
We're each entitled to our own opinion but my opinion is that your opinion sucks. KING OF ATARI 2600 PAC-MAN BOARD!!
From: Scum | Posted: 10/22/2001 9:53:03 PM | Message Detail
No, I mean what if instead of killing me death just makes me physically stronger?
From: Fiveanto5 | Posted: 10/28/2001 12:30:01 AM | Message Detail
Owner of the Official Nintendo Sticker Album
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From: pastaman44 | Posted: 11/8/2001 9:30:05 PM | Message Detail
Regardless of how physically strong you are, once you're dead your body will undergo rigomortis and get all stiff. Then you'll be really slow and Pac-Man can ram you until you fall over. You'll be stuck there because you're so stiff that you can't move enough to get up.
We're each entitled to our own opinion but my opinion is that your opinion sucks. KING OF ATARI 2600 PAC-MAN BOARD!!
From: Scum | Posted: 11/9/2001 10:14:53 PM | Message Detail
Yeah, but what if the death instead of making me die makes me more alive than ever before, like a sunset on a rainy evening or a cage in a rat.
From: pastaman44 | Posted: 11/9/2001 11:15:38 PM | Message Detail
Cage in a rat? That'd be interesting. And if so, I would use Pac-Man's time travel ability to go back and separate your parents so that you, the super invincible freak of nature are never born. This possibly may alter the space time continuum and cause the absolute destruction of the universe, but oh well, takes care of you.
We're each entitled to our own opinion but my opinion is that your opinion sucks. KING OF ATARI 2600 PAC-MAN BOARD!!
From: Interceptor | Posted: 11/21/2001 7:31:41 PM | Message Detail
What if Scum doesn't have parents?
From: Scum | Posted: 11/22/2001 12:16:51 PM | Message Detail
Yes, what then?
From: Dinosaurprince | Posted: 11/23/2001 6:58:54 AM | Message Detail
Yes, let us all hail the king of Video games.
(About time I found an active Pac-Man Board.)
Never let the classics go extinct.
From: pastaman44 | Posted: 11/25/2001 2:23:33 PM | Message Detail
What happened to the other topic on this board? There was one other. And if no parents, where did he come from?
We're each entitled to our own opinion but my opinion is that your opinion sucks. KING OF ATARI 2600 PAC-MAN BOARD!!
From: Scum | Posted: 11/27/2001 12:55:36 PM | Message Detail
The other one was probably purged. And what if Scum has no beginning, but has just always been?
From: pastaman44 | Posted: 11/27/2001 9:47:03 PM | Message Detail
You shouldn't refer to yourself in the third person.
We're each entitled to our own opinion but my opinion is that your opinion sucks. KING OF ATARI 2600 PAC-MAN BOARD!!
From: Interceptor | Posted: 12/1/2001 12:27:12 AM | Message Detail
Interceptor thinks that too.
From: Scum | Posted: 12/2/2001 10:39:59 PM | Message Detail
Don't avoid Scum's question.
From: pastaman44 | Posted: 12/3/2001 2:33:05 PM | Message Detail
If you have just always been, then create an inter-dimensional warp, and lure you into it with a banana cream pie. No one resists the banana cream pie. Then, when you are in, I'll close the warp, leaving you in limbo forever.
We're each entitled to our own opinion but my opinion is that your opinion sucks. KING OF ATARI 2600 PAC-MAN BOARD!!
From: Scum | Posted: 12/8/2001 11:58:28 PM | Message Detail
What if, theoretically, I use a stick to pull the pie out to me instead of going in myself?
From: Interceptor | Posted: 12/10/2001 11:00:00 PM | Message Detail
Yes, then there will be no stick to limbo with.
From: Scum | Posted: 12/12/2001 6:59:13 AM | Message Detail
We could use our imaginations and imagine a limbo stick to be there! It'll be like an adventure down make-believe avenue!
From: pastaman44 | Posted: 12/15/2001 10:12:29 AM | Message Detail
While you're fishing the pie out with the stick, I'll sneak up and push you in. And then maybe I'll take your suggestion and play imagination limbo.
We're each entitled to our own opinion but my opinion is that your opinion sucks. KING OF ATARI 2600 PAC-MAN BOARD!!
From: Scum | Posted: 12/17/2001 10:25:21 PM | Message Detail
What if I jump out of the way just before you push me so that you fall in due to the momentum that you would have gained in preparation of pushing?
From: pastaman44 | Posted: 12/20/2001 11:04:38 AM | Message Detail
I would tie myself to a bungee cord, so I would fall in, but then spring back with the pie. If I'm not going to get rid of you I'll at least get my pie back. I like pie.
We're each entitled to our own opinion but my opinion is that your opinion sucks. KING OF ATARI 2600 PAC-MAN BOARD!!
From: theskaterfromhell | Posted: 12/24/2001 4:27:17 AM | Message Detail
Doesn't Pac Man get fat from eatting all those ghosts?

Never buy World Industries skateboards.
From: Scum | Posted: 12/29/2001 10:21:34 PM | Message Detail
What if I cut the cord before you could bounce back?
From: Kinnison | Posted: 12/30/2001 1:17:30 AM | Message Detail
he wouldnt bounce
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From: pastaman44 | Posted: 12/31/2001 10:51:44 AM | Message Detail
I will then use my dimensional warp opener to open a new way out. Ghosts are just ephereal beings, so Pac-Man wouldn't get fat. And why wouldn't I bounce up. Isn't that what bungee cords do?
We're each entitled to our own opinion but my opinion is that your opinion sucks. KING OF ATARI 2600 PAC-MAN BOARD!!
From: Scum | Posted: 1/2/2002 4:56:16 PM | Message Detail
Yes, but that isn't a bungee cord. It's an African Killing Snake. They look and feel a lot like bungee cords.
From: pastaman44 | Posted: 1/4/2002 3:31:09 PM | Message Detail
Well, if the snake doesn't bounce me back out, I'll use my warp opener to release myself. And the snake won't kill me, I've got reflexes like a hyperactive mongoose on a sugar rush.
We're each entitled to our own opinion but my opinion is that your opinion sucks. KING OF ATARI 2600 PAC-MAN BOARD!!
From: Scum | Posted: 1/22/2002 7:05:06 AM | Message Detail
Ah, but the snake was just a decoy. The real danger comes from the giant, murderous apples that are behind you.
From: Alph | Posted: 1/24/2002 10:38:54 PM | Message Detail
But what if those apples were the same apples my grandmother gave to me on her sixteenth birthday?And then I used my super powers of apples pie bakingness to make an apple pie?And then I used the almighty powers of the apple pie to defeat your banana cream pie.Now I have a pie and you don't,na na!
From: Notti | Posted: 1/24/2002 11:02:42 PM | Message Detail
*gamer's sufferage*
From: Scum | Posted: 1/29/2002 7:08:37 PM | Message Detail
Don't worry, they weren't.
From: pastaman44 | Posted: 2/6/2002 10:06:01 PM | Message Detail
Better not be, I spent 4 dollars on that pie and don't want it gone. And I eat apples for breakfast. Truly I do, they go well with Rice Krispies.
We're each entitled to our own opinion but my opinion is that your opinion sucks. KING OF ATARI 2600 PAC-MAN BOARD!!
From: bob the first | Posted: 2/6/2002 11:06:53 PM | Message Detail
Bob walks up and takes the banana cream pie while no one is looking, goes to the other side of the board, and eats it. Mmm, pie.
CJAYC, will you stop blaming me for banning people!
People, whenever CJAYC says I, Bob, banned you, its a lie. He did it.
From: Scum | Posted: 2/11/2002 7:38:57 PM | Message Detail
Apples with Rice Krispies? That's madness! It's like you've taken the world as it was previously know, knocked it down and kicked it several times in the head, then gutted and skinned it and then turned it's skin inside out, and then you took the inside-out skin garment and sold it to a dentist under the assumption that the garment was made of solid gold, so he paid 645 teeth for it and you used the teeth to create the world's largest pencil holder made entirely of teeth and put a giant pencil in that holder and said that it was like that when you found it so the government doesn't try and shut you down! Madness!
From: pastaman44 | Posted: 2/20/2002 9:13:02 PM | Message Detail
I did do that. I was bored one Sunday. But it was 647 teeth.
We're each entitled to our own opinion but my opinion is that your opinion sucks. KING OF ATARI 2600 PAC-MAN BOARD!!
From: Scum | Posted: 2/20/2002 10:07:46 PM | Message Detail
Dude, you got an awesome deal! That must have been a pretty rich dentist, or maybe just naive or something...
From: Barakao1 | Posted: 2/23/2002 11:26:12 PM | Message Detail
He was probably shy. I hate shy dentists . . . why can't they just be bookworms or something?!

Barakao1 [http://megabowser.cjb.net]
"Falcon PUNCH!"
From: Scum | Posted: 2/26/2002 6:52:30 AM | Message Detail
At least that way they're not talking to you while they've got their hands in your mouth, though. And you can kick them more easily.
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