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GameFAQs Message Boards: Action - Atari 2600
Gogo Home Monster
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the second topic
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From: Scum | Posted: 2/8/2002 4:10:05 PM | Message Detail
To the top of what?
From: the phoenix | Posted: 2/12/2002 2:16:46 AM | Message Detail
ok then
bump out of the way of the purge machine
"I WANT MAIL, KUPO!!!"Member of MAG
From: Scum | Posted: 2/14/2002 10:03:50 PM | Message Detail
That doesn't answer my question. You'll pay for this...
From: the phoenix | Posted: 2/15/2002 12:03:26 PM | Message Detail
*pays scum*
"I WANT MAIL, KUPO!!!"Member of MAG
From: the phoenix | Posted: 2/15/2002 5:19:40 PM | Message Detail
oh, I know now, bump to the top of my posted messages ^_^
"I WANT MAIL, KUPO!!!"Member of MAG
From: Scum | Posted: 2/15/2002 6:10:10 PM | Message Detail
I wanted that in blood. Oh, I see you no longer have to pay. You win this round...
From: Frieza012 | Posted: 2/21/2002 3:51:59 PM | Message Detail
*watches all the slaughtering and pie-eating with great pleasure*
"Why are we watching womens basketball?"
"Because there's no sport on TV, Jack"- Mr. Floppy to Jack
From: FFJos | Posted: 2/21/2002 3:58:19 PM | Message Detail
I would like some Friez012 pie..can that be arranged?
FFJos is the name and Final Fantasy is my game.
From: Frieza012 | Posted: 2/21/2002 4:14:18 PM | Message Detail
I don't think so coz Friez012 isn't here ^_^
"Why are we watching womens basketball?"
"Because there's no sport on TV, Jack"- Mr. Floppy to Jack
From: Scum | Posted: 2/21/2002 6:31:15 PM | Message Detail
Oh, too bad you missed the first topic. Well you're in luck because it's finally ready for repost.

It would've been ready faster if it weren't for all of the bold sigs... You know what I'm talking about, the.
From: Frieza012 | Posted: 2/22/2002 4:56:09 AM | Message Detail
*checks the first one*
"Why are we watching womens basketball?"
"Because there's no sport on TV, Jack"- Mr. Floppy to Jack
From: NinjaMaster | Posted: 2/26/2002 11:43:42 AM | Message Detail
*jumps in the middle of the conversation*
Bob the dog is a hobo who lives in a box down the street from my house. He goes on many murderous rampages. ~Ryu ‡FFT UnLegend‡
From: Scum | Posted: 2/26/2002 2:58:59 PM | Message Detail
Watch out! The center of the conversation is like a trampoline, and might send you flying through the air! Or, like a trampoline, cause you to instantly vaporize.
From: the phoenix | Posted: 2/26/2002 4:35:01 PM | Message Detail
I didn't know a trampoline could do that
"I WANT MAIL, KUPO!!!"Member of MAG
From: Scum | Posted: 3/2/2002 9:31:10 AM | Message Detail
Well now you do.
From: outbreakorn | Posted: 3/2/2002 11:46:00 PM | Message Detail
me too
Lock the door, kill the light, No one's coming home tonight. It's getting colder. Locked in a place where no one goes~****ing Tool
From: the phoenix | Posted: 3/14/2002 5:13:15 AM | Message Detail
*flips a coin for no reason*
"I WANT MAIL, KUPO!!!"Member of MAG
From: Slingo | Posted: 3/31/2002 8:55:06 PM | Message Detail
It's gonna be heads... I know it is.
From: the phoenix | Posted: 4/1/2002 4:49:28 PM | Message Detail
*still waits for the coin to come back*

hmmmm, either I flipped the coin to high, or I didn't see it come back
"I WANT MAIL, KUPO!!!"Member of MAG
From: Scum | Posted: 4/7/2002 11:46:34 AM | Message Detail
*comes back with a coin's worth of candy*
Oh, I, uh, I wonder when the coin is going to come back down... Yes, because it is still in the air and I didn't steal it to buy candy...
From: the phoenix | Posted: 4/7/2002 4:49:07 PM | Message Detail
steal it to buy candy? of course you didn't

you and your wacky imagination ^_^

*still waits for his coin*
"I WANT MAIL, KUPO!!!"Member of MAG
From: Slingo | Posted: 4/8/2002 3:36:14 AM | Message Detail
Oh... the suspense... What's it gonna be???
From: the phoenix | Posted: 4/8/2002 7:52:53 AM | Message Detail
there, I see it, I see it


oh wait, it's just a pigeon

*hopelessly tries to make a connection between scum suddenly having candy and my coin not coming back*
"I WANT MAIL, KUPO!!!"Member of MAG
From: Scum | Posted: 4/8/2002 3:30:10 PM | Message Detail
Don't worry about this candy, there's no connection between it and the coin that you flipped which I stole to buy said candy. None at all.
From: Slingo | Posted: 4/12/2002 11:25:17 AM | Message Detail
Oh... thanks Scum. There's been a lot of confusion going on there. I'm glad you cleared that up.

*goes back to looking up at the sky for the coin*
From: Scum | Posted: 4/12/2002 3:28:19 PM | Message Detail
Try looking at the coin, not for it.
From: the phoenix | Posted: 4/12/2002 8:52:30 PM | Message Detail
well, first I have to look for the coin, to be able to look at it
"I WANT MAIL, KUPO!!!"Member of MAG
From: Scum | Posted: 4/12/2002 9:33:07 PM | Message Detail
If you'd just look at it you wouldn't have to look for it because you'd know where it is.
From: the phoenix | Posted: 4/13/2002 1:49:24 PM | Message Detail
but I don't know where it is

and it's easy to say just

if you would just naturally produse oxigen in your body, you wouldn't have to breathe anymore


*feet are starting to soak*
darn, there's that leak in your theory again
fix it please (not the dog fix _)
"I WANT MAIL, KUPO!!!"Member of MAG
From: Scum | Posted: 4/13/2002 2:38:05 PM | Message Detail
Your feet wouldn't be wet if they wasn't liquid on them. And that's not from my theory, the theory is sound. Did you know there's no bathroom in this topic?
From: Slingo | Posted: 4/15/2002 5:58:53 AM | Message Detail
No bathroom? Of course there's no bathroom! If there was a bathroom, I'd be using it right now.
I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it.
-Jack Handey
From: FBI Porker | Posted: 4/18/2002 8:11:58 AM | Message Detail
I want potty.
|¯ |¯) | . |¯)|¯| |¯) | / |_¯ |¯)
|¯ |_) | . |¯ |_| |¯\ | \.|__ |¯\
From: Scum | Posted: 4/20/2002 2:50:46 AM | Message Detail
I wonder what caused old topics such as this to degenerate.
From: Scum | Posted: 4/20/2002 4:22:03 PM | Message Detail
Degenerate? I think it's stayed at about the same level, give or take.
From: Medea | Posted: 4/23/2002 3:12:26 AM | Message Detail
It's gone from sacrifice to potty. I think it's degenerated.

"Well, remember what you said, because in a day or two, I'll have a witty and blistering retort! You'll be devastated THEN!" --Calvin
From: Scum | Posted: 4/23/2002 6:51:23 PM | Message Detail
*sacrifices Medea to the mighty second topic*
From: the phoenix | Posted: 4/24/2002 2:31:09 AM | Message Detail
that's more like it ^_^
"I WANT MAIL, KUPO!!!"Member of MAG
From: Medea | Posted: 4/28/2002 2:32:27 PM | Message Detail
I've already been sacrificed, you can't sacrifice me twice!



"Well, remember what you said, because in a day or two, I'll have a witty and blistering retort! You'll be devastated THEN!" --Calvin
From: the phoenix | Posted: 4/28/2002 6:03:09 PM | Message Detail
we can sacrifice you as many times as we want
"I WANT MAIL, KUPO!!!"Member of MAG
From: Scum | Posted: 4/28/2002 8:04:40 PM | Message Detail
Yeah, we'll sacrifice you all we want. And you won't find any brains here, so you can just give up now.
From: Slingo | Posted: 5/6/2002 5:19:38 PM | Message Detail
*innocently walks through topic, unaware of the the sacrifications*

La la la la la
What a fine day this is...
La la la...

I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it.
-Jack Handey
From: the phoenix | Posted: 5/7/2002 8:51:24 AM | Message Detail
*presses the red button*

*a cage drops and imprisons slingo*

ok, first, I will have to let you starve for 3 days until I can sacrifice you

"I WANT MAIL, KUPO!!!"Member of MAG
From: Scum | Posted: 5/7/2002 3:35:15 PM | Message Detail
*impresses the red button*
From: Slingo | Posted: 5/7/2002 9:47:09 PM | Message Detail
Yay! Thanks Scum.

*runs away*
I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it.
-Jack Handey
From: the phoenix | Posted: 5/8/2002 4:17:27 AM | Message Detail
second topic, get him

-the second topic runs after slingo
"I WANT MAIL, KUPO!!!"Member of MAG
From: Scum | Posted: 5/8/2002 6:46:04 AM | Message Detail
*second topic mauls and eats slingo in front of a live audience*
From: Interceptor | Posted: 5/8/2002 10:27:50 PM | Message Detail
*And they love it!*
From: Slingo | Posted: 5/9/2002 5:01:05 PM | Message Detail
*hides behind stage curtains*

Whew, good thing that was just a dummy!
I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it.
-Jack Handey
From: the phoenix | Posted: 5/15/2002 6:52:43 AM | Message Detail
- the second topic almost chokes in a piece of dummy slingo and spits it out

second topic:
this be dummy slingo! ò_ó

- the second topic searches for the real one
"I WANT MAIL, KUPO!!!"Member of MAG
From: Slingo | Posted: 5/17/2002 6:31:00 PM | Message Detail
*Walks into room with fake moustache disguise*

Hey second topic, how've you been?


Oh, so you're looking for Slingo, eh? Last time I checked, he was in that empty prison cell over there.....

-the second topic walks into cell in search of Slingo

Haha *closes and locks cell door behind him*

You may be smart, second topic, but I have outsmarted you.
I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it.
-Jack Handey
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