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GameFAQs Message Boards: Action - Atari 2600
Frogs And Flies
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From: pepper2000 | Posted: 4/25/2002 11:32:46 PM | Message Detail
If only C_A knew we were taking such good care of his topic.
Pray for peace.
Rest your weary soul: http://cgi.gamefaqs.com/boards/gentopic.asp?board=5048
From: Silent Emotions | Posted: 5/9/2002 5:14:20 PM | Message Detail
Have you been watering his plants, too? Heheheh.
yare, yare...
From: Scum | Posted: 5/31/2002 7:14:33 PM | Message Detail
Well, does vodka count as water?
From: Silent Emotions | Posted: 6/14/2002 3:25:25 PM | Message Detail
yare, yare...
From: Ricco | Posted: 6/25/2002 12:49:26 AM | Message Detail
other topic hit the purge.
From: Interceptor | Posted: 6/25/2002 4:19:50 AM | Message Detail
It sure did! Look at that dent!
From: CKgamedude | Posted: 6/25/2002 12:56:15 PM | Message Detail
*mundane giggle*
Sure, Twice.
From: Scum | Posted: 6/29/2002 4:28:42 PM | Message Detail
Well, someone should repost it then.
From: NinjaMaster | Posted: 7/6/2002 7:57:06 AM | Message Detail
Scum already did, Someone will will have to wait for the next topic to get purged.
If you haven't yet realized that society is stupid then you must be one of them. ~Ryu
From: CKgamedude | Posted: 7/10/2002 9:53:00 PM | Message Detail
Can't Hardly Wait.
Hugs are bunnies and bunnies are nice.
From: thebestporter | Posted: 7/16/2002 5:49:01 PM | Message Detail
this topic is old...
I have X bumps in MegamanX's Da stupid test.
From: Kinnison | Posted: 7/16/2002 5:50:13 PM | Message Detail
Yes indeed.
|./.|.|\.|.|\.|.|.(¯ .|¯|.|\.|
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From: thebestporter | Posted: 7/17/2002 10:07:35 PM | Message Detail
quiet, you.
I have X bumps in MegamanX's Da stupid test.
From: Interceptor | Posted: 7/25/2002 3:16:08 AM | Message Detail
Yeah, quiet you.
From: FBI Porker 2 | Posted: 7/27/2002 6:31:32 AM | Message Detail
I'll be quite. *sniff*
Get high on Pottery!
From: Scum | Posted: 8/8/2002 2:10:31 AM | Message Detail
Nice try, Hammy. You'll be quiet, not quite.
From: Blood for Currency | Posted: 8/10/2002 3:15:37 PM | Message Detail
Un oh... This topic might get closed soon, all of the old topics are getting closed for some reason...
From: secretboardhunter | Posted: 8/10/2002 11:14:58 PM | Message Detail
*starts to close topic*
Am I tough? I'll have you know I stubbed my toe the other day while watering my spice garden and only cried for 20 minutes. SBSP
From: Silent Emotions | Posted: 8/20/2002 10:47:16 PM | Message Detail
Why close a topic that's on-topic?
yare, yare...
From: Scum 2 | Posted: 8/22/2002 4:52:39 AM | Message Detail
Other on-topic ones were closed, I don't know why though...
From: Silent Emotions | Posted: 8/22/2002 2:29:18 PM | Message Detail
This was closed once before but reopened.
yare, yare...
From: Scum X | Posted: 8/22/2002 10:39:38 PM | Message Detail
Yeah, I know, but that was during the last set of closings. I guess they thought it was wrongfully mod-closed, even though it wasn't...
From: Silent Emotions | Posted: 8/22/2002 11:41:40 PM | Message Detail
Yes it was wrongfully closed. Topic lifetime doesn't ****ing matter. >=P
yare, yare...
From: MTRodaba2468 | Posted: 8/24/2002 4:52:27 PM | Message Detail
*adds post to topic*
"You need a hobby. I suggest sticking forks in your eyes."-DJosef…#1 WEE MAN FAN ©2002
<33> *videotapes _____ and sells it on eBay* ©2002 by MTRodaba2468
From: Asam | Posted: 9/2/2002 3:43:41 PM | Message Detail
<Asam> - The expressionless guy.
Phrase of the day: I give up!
From: superaielman | Posted: 9/13/2002 10:23:22 PM | Message Detail
My Petition:http://s1.cgi.gamefaqs.com/boards/genmessage.asp?board=7&topic=3668324
AOL Bullfighter& Arc Lighting.
From: Scum | Posted: 9/21/2002 10:34:38 PM | Message Detail
Don't you yep me.
From: Scum | Posted: 9/24/2002 1:36:54 PM | Message Detail
Right. You should kiss me on the cheek like a little girl.
From: Scum | Posted: 9/25/2002 5:18:06 PM | Message Detail
From: SECRET B0ARD P0LICE | Posted: 10/1/2002 1:04:16 PM | Message Detail
*Huggles topic*
Steadily enforcing non-existent laws all over the secret boards...
From: misterbum | Posted: 10/1/2002 5:22:39 PM | Message Detail
This topic leaves me speechless.


Okay. It's done now.
"Since when is being a giant walking to a town and shrinking a world map anyway?" - SaintAjora on FFX world map complaints
From: Waffs Are Neato | Posted: 10/15/2002 5:23:04 PM | Message Detail
Just felt I should post here.
SOCOM Name: <yarr>Waffles
From: Scum | Posted: 11/1/2002 11:54:34 PM | Message Detail
I'll felt you should post here.
From: thebestporter | Posted: 11/8/2002 12:56:02 PM | Message Detail
i just felt he should post here... *points to next poster*
"If you don't take care of the jello pudding, the jello pudding will take care of you." KARMA- 434
From: zapdos153 | Posted: 11/9/2002 11:10:28 PM | Message Detail
Let this topic die commies.
there r 10 people in this hella world peiople who are hella bi and people who dont hella understand hella lol
From: Cheezmonky X | Posted: 11/9/2002 11:15:43 PM | Message Detail
Holy crap.

Old technocloak posts. From before I met him and we became bestest friends.


This topic makes me want to cry.

...Or maybe it's just the Nick Drake I'm listening to.
they better not come back caus i'm way past normal and i'm full-on pyschotic now - mrduckbear3 be whack
From: technocloak | Posted: 11/10/2002 6:00:58 PM | Message Detail
cryo was my first post in this topicithink.
From: Infinite Rebirth | Posted: 11/11/2002 10:03:02 AM | Message Detail
Nope this isn't what I'm looking for.......*Moves on*
The rubby guy stole my sig!
From: Mannequin Depressive | Posted: 11/25/2002 4:24:10 PM | Message Detail
frogs are EVIL.
From: l06 | Posted: 12/1/2002 8:53:51 PM | Message Detail
Holy Mesopotamia, Batman! This is an old topic!
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From: MWHAHAHAHA | Posted: 12/5/2002 3:24:29 PM | Message Detail

-Active post™-
From: Waste Recepticle | Posted: 12/7/2002 3:59:01 PM | Message Detail
Do you think one day C_A will finally come back to see this topic?
I'm the coolest Waste Recepticle around! Booya bo diggity double damn fine!
From: Scum | Posted: 12/11/2002 6:51:12 AM | Message Detail
Wow, two years...
From: Fencedude | Posted: 12/16/2002 9:15:46 PM | Message Detail

Birth, Childhood, Loss, Compensation, Purpose, Defeat, Pain, Depression, Defilement, Validation, Victory, Death, Rebirth, Love
From: Silverfist | Posted: 12/16/2002 11:33:38 PM | Message Detail
Oldest topic at GF?


I'm a little tired, I'm a little wired, and I think I deserve a little appreciation...
< My last post was dumb. >
From: Rampage | Posted: 12/20/2002 3:40:34 PM | Message Detail
http://warpedbelief.host.sk - Register now!
Stick around nostalgia won't let you down
From: Scum | Posted: 12/20/2002 7:05:39 PM | Message Detail
Not quite, but I'm pretty sure it's in the top ten. Top five, even.
From: l06 | Posted: 12/21/2002 6:35:43 PM | Message Detail
And I'm a part of it...


Not really. I'm a poser. Don't look at me. WTF ARE YOU STILL LOOKING AT THIS TOPIC FOR???

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From: User 500000 LOL | Posted: 12/24/2002 1:51:20 AM | Message Detail
*stares at topic*

From: scurty234 | Posted: 12/27/2002 12:36:11 AM | Message Detail
Now, what do you mean not quite? Please direct me to the oldest topic on GameFAQs please.
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