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GameFAQs Message Boards: Action - Atari 2600
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Tree Storage Bin
Scum (32): Board List | Topic List | Post New Message | Log Out | FAQ
From: Xylanic | Posted: 5/28/2001 10:24:51 PM | Message Detail
::You enter a darkened warehouse and find many trees, stacked for experiments. You may take one, but it requires three people to lift a tree. All three people MUST post here and say they are lifting a part of the tree, and for what team they are on. When that is done, you may return to the boards and part two.
The Horror of the past is nothing compared to the future of Darkness that I am.
From: silent hillian | Posted: 5/28/2001 10:37:20 PM | Message Detail
Silent: Yes, I found the trees!
*I begin to grab a tree, but to my dismay, it is too heavy.*
Silent: I need a couple more people...
"The fear of blood tends to create fear for the flesh."
From: Wario | Posted: 5/28/2001 10:48:13 PM | Message Detail
*grabs a tree for beta*
"They blamed the elements, but I blamed their dumbness." -Rudy, on SII when the camp got washed away
From: Kinnison | Posted: 5/28/2001 11:56:07 PM | Message Detail
*grabs a tree for Alpha*
i need 2 more!

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From: Kurts afflicted | Posted: 5/28/2001 11:57:59 PM | Message Detail
booyah grandma! good job Kinni!
*helps him pull it*
we need one more...
but so do they...
You can't put a porcupine in a barn, light it on fire, and expect to get liquorish!!
From: sonten1 | Posted: 5/29/2001 7:47:48 AM | Message Detail
gets a tree for Beta
(This message was not deleted by a GameFaqs moderator)
From: Scum | Posted: 6/16/2001 7:11:18 PM | Message Detail
I can't think of anything to post here.
From: Kane The Great | Posted: 6/29/2001 9:31:24 PM | Message Detail
*is so strong that he picks up all trees*
"Lord Kane and Lady Ducky rule!"-Me & Heroine of Time
From: Scum | Posted: 7/6/2001 4:16:47 AM | Message Detail
I should have thought of something like that.
Oh well.
From: Scum | Posted: 8/1/2001 2:29:44 AM | Message Detail
Hey, I should have just joined in. I should have read the first post...
From: Optimus Nine | Posted: 8/24/2001 9:34:24 AM | Message Detail
*Takes a few logs*
"Retarded kids are smarter, kid I'm sick in the head/ Christopher Reevin' punks is the way I was bred"- Buc Fifty
From: Scum | Posted: 9/9/2001 1:51:45 PM | Message Detail
Now you put those back.
From: RdDragon | Posted: 9/20/2001 1:08:48 AM | Message Detail
::throws some gasoline all over the place::


::lights whole place on fire::
Any clod can have the facts; having opinions is an art.
From: Scum | Posted: 9/24/2001 9:31:36 PM | Message Detail
From: Medea | Posted: 10/4/2001 10:13:47 PM | Message Detail
Damn it! It's people like you that make the world such a destructive place. Why is the rainforest gone? It's because of you.

"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." - Hunter S. Thompson
From: Scum | Posted: 10/14/2001 10:33:40 PM | Message Detail
Good, nothing but oxygen and monkeys in there anyway. And monkeys can also be found in the zoo.
From: Scum | Posted: 10/31/2001 10:33:37 PM | Message Detail
rainforest = bad
From: Kurts afflicted | Posted: 11/1/2001 2:14:30 AM | Message Detail
wow. this topics still going? damn monkeys....
And all the Whos in Whoville went boo hoo ;-(
From: Medea | Posted: 11/13/2001 1:32:16 PM | Message Detail
No, it's the monkeys that will save you all! Zoo monkeys are all the same. There's no diversity. Will you suck the world of diversity for you petty capitalist gains?

"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." - Hunter S. Thompson
From: Kinnison | Posted: 11/22/2001 11:31:20 AM | Message Detail
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From: Interceptor | Posted: 11/24/2001 5:03:25 AM | Message Detail
Aw man, I was gonna help lift the tree for team Nonexistent.
From: Scum | Posted: 11/27/2001 11:36:04 PM | Message Detail
Yes, diversity is overrated. And I need to kill for my petty communist gains!
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From: Kinnison | Posted: 11/28/2001 11:16:49 PM | Message Detail
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From: Kinnison | Posted: 12/9/2001 6:08:01 AM | Message Detail
communist gains? hmm...
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From: Kinnison | Posted: 12/13/2001 2:09:27 PM | Message Detail
this is still alive
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From: Kinnison | Posted: 12/17/2001 1:37:52 PM | Message Detail
it might not have been if i hadnt been saving it
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From: Interceptor | Posted: 12/24/2001 7:26:57 AM | Message Detail
It might have...
From: Kinnison | Posted: 12/27/2001 12:28:18 AM | Message Detail
interceptor may have saved it, ive seen topics last a month, but it might have died.
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From: Kinnison | Posted: 12/29/2001 8:18:43 AM | Message Detail
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From: Kinnison | Posted: 12/31/2001 10:21:41 AM | Message Detail
*looks at posts*
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From: Scum | Posted: 1/3/2002 9:35:18 PM | Message Detail
Yeah, well I saved it back in July. But yeah, it's a good thing you saved it. I haven't been going through the Ataris enough lately...
From: Wario | Posted: 1/9/2002 12:01:20 PM | Message Detail

"An atheist is a man who has no invisible means of support."
-John Buchan
From: luigiparty | Posted: 1/15/2002 6:21:52 AM | Message Detail
Dots are cool... ~Sir Luigi
From: Kinnison | Posted: 1/25/2002 12:10:55 AM | Message Detail
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From: silent hillian | Posted: 1/25/2002 12:11:39 AM | Message Detail
this is still here? i find that hilarious.
New Year's Resolution: Play to win. You people are just bumps on my path to victory. Screw everyone, I'm more important.
From: NinjaMaster | Posted: 2/16/2002 6:13:17 AM | Message Detail
Wow, a Kinnison post from May.
That's pretty old.
http://cgi.gamefaqs.com/boards/gentopic.asp?board=5516 Drop by if you are up late.
‡FFT UnLegend‡ <Insomniac>
From: Infinite Rebirth | Posted: 2/24/2002 2:20:19 PM | Message Detail
Er...need sig....
From: outbreakorn | Posted: 3/2/2002 11:05:57 PM | Message Detail
can you pronouce that please
Lock the door, kill the light, No one's coming home tonight. It's getting colder. Locked in a place where no one goes~****ing Tool
From: Scum | Posted: 4/9/2002 5:04:33 PM | Message Detail
Yes: "apple."
From: FBI Porker | Posted: 4/18/2002 7:50:01 AM | Message Detail
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From: Kurts afflicted | Posted: 4/20/2002 1:36:42 AM | Message Detail
uh huh
And all the Whos in Whoville went boo hoo ;-(
From: Medea | Posted: 4/23/2002 2:51:13 AM | Message Detail
It's pronounced, "orange".

"Well, remember what you said, because in a day or two, I'll have a witty and blistering retort! You'll be devastated THEN!" --Calvin
From: Scum | Posted: 4/29/2002 7:50:58 PM | Message Detail
No, that's how it's spelled. It's pronounced "Quiet your face, I'll spell it apple if I want to."
From: Wario | Posted: 5/1/2002 9:50:00 AM | Message Detail
LOL! =)
Current Reality TV: The Amazing Race, Survivor: Marquesas, RW VS. RR Challenge, Australian Survivor, Survivor: Panama
From: Interceptor | Posted: 5/8/2002 10:00:02 PM | Message Detail
I save this topic a lot. Almost as much as Kinnison, except not.
From: SurvivorRudy | Posted: 5/12/2002 2:13:07 PM | Message Detail
Such a nice secluded area this is...
I have crossed over to the Dark Side...I have become a member of the PS2 Force.- SurvivorRudy
From: Kurts afflicted | Posted: 5/28/2002 1:21:00 AM | Message Detail
oh yes.....karma
And all the Whos in Whoville went boo hoo ;-(
From: SECRET B0ARD P0LICE | Posted: 6/2/2002 11:12:01 PM | Message Detail
What an old topic.
Steadily enforcing non-existent laws all over the secret boards...
From: SurvivorRudy | Posted: 6/23/2002 6:26:59 PM | Message Detail
Hey Kurt, I haven't seen at the Survivor board in a very long time...where have you been at lately?
I have crossed over to the Dark Side...I have become a member of the PS2 Force.- SurvivorRudy
From: Scum | Posted: 6/29/2002 5:32:09 PM | Message Detail
This topic took over a year to get one full page. About time, now I can save it like Kinnison...

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