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GameFAQs Message Boards: Action - Atari 2600
Burning Desire
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Is this game about sex?
Scum (32): Board List | Topic List | Post New Message | Log Out | FAQ
From: Solo | Posted: 9/10/2001 3:21:54 PM | Message Detail
Huh? Is it?
"Nah, we´re already dead."
From: RdDragon | Posted: 9/19/2001 11:11:53 PM | Message Detail
I wonder...
Any clod can have the facts; having opinions is an art.
From: Scum | Posted: 9/27/2001 5:29:22 PM | Message Detail
Or the desire for said action...
From: Medea | Posted: 9/30/2001 11:30:20 PM | Message Detail
Must everything always be about sex?

And don't say anything stupid and Freudian or I'll have to hurt you very badly.

"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." - Hunter S. Thompson
From: typhonsentra | Posted: 10/6/2001 4:54:52 PM | Message Detail
Well, its called a Freudian Slip....
The attack, it was real, it wasn't a dream. But the recovery, is a dream realized.
-Jon Stewart
From: Scum | Posted: 10/15/2001 8:52:59 PM | Message Detail
­ Well you see, there was a young child (we're talking pre-talking stages here) named little Albert who was afraid of horses. Sigmund Freud studied said child for a while and determined that the child was afraid of horses because he was sexually attracted to his mother.
­ I think we can safely determine that this game is about sex based on that story and the fact that a president is on the five dollar bill. Adam or something, but that's not important. A president is on the five dollar bill so you must acquit. Thank you.
From: Scum | Posted: 11/3/2001 7:25:29 PM | Message Detail
Also, I think the name of the board should be pie. The End.
From: RdDragon | Posted: 11/26/2001 6:27:12 AM | Message Detail
Uh, no...
Any clod can have the facts; having opinions is an art.
From: Scum | Posted: 11/28/2001 1:14:34 PM | Message Detail
Actually, that story is entirely true.
From: The Mystery Man | Posted: 12/7/2001 9:21:24 AM | Message Detail
pies? It should be name "Pizza".
I am the Mystery Man. I hunt for Secret Boards. See my profile for more information...
From: Doodleheimer | Posted: 12/23/2001 10:31:27 PM | Message Detail
I think it's about me
From The Book of Doodleheimer ~ I feel sorry for the gorilla that ate those nail clippers.
From: Scum | Posted: 1/4/2002 11:22:21 PM | Message Detail
It think it's about
From: Scytale | Posted: 1/16/2002 4:23:37 PM | Message Detail
Just read the review, you guys. It's about a guy saving women with his ****.
The only thing I can't stand more than "Bible-Thumpers" are "On the Origin of Species-Thumpers"
From: NinjaMaster | Posted: 2/4/2002 3:09:23 AM | Message Detail
Does **** mean Frog?
Anyway, when kids today want to say "That's ok, man" they say: "It's all green beans, diggity dawg!"~Turd
‡FFT UnLegend‡
From: Hommie G | Posted: 2/6/2002 8:09:14 PM | Message Detail
well, yes and no.
And this is the Spaceballs Flamethrower. Its quite popular with the kids!-Yogurt
CS Rank:5 Lethal <SFA>
From: outbreakorn | Posted: 2/27/2002 2:56:29 AM | Message Detail
and maybe
Lock the door, kill the light, No one's coming home tonight. It's getting colder. Locked in a place where no one goes~****ing Tool
From: Indrema | Posted: 3/6/2002 2:49:58 PM | Message Detail
Like most of these Atari 2600 Porn Games there's another version of this game where it's a woman saving the man (he uses her breasts to get pulled out of the burning building). I think it's called Jungle Fever.
Pong is one of the greatest games ever created.
From: Scum | Posted: 3/19/2002 3:24:24 PM | Message Detail
Heh, Jungle Fever. I wonder if that one topic is still there...
From: Interceptor | Posted: 4/7/2002 4:27:40 AM | Message Detail
I don't.
From: FBI Porker | Posted: 4/17/2002 2:01:08 AM | Message Detail
Neither do I.
|¯ |¯) | . |¯)|¯| |¯) | / |_¯ |¯)
|¯ |_) | . |¯ |_| |¯\ | \.|__ |¯\
From: Medea | Posted: 4/22/2002 2:04:36 AM | Message Detail
I don't care, but I think I posted on it once.

"Well, remember what you said, because in a day or two, I'll have a witty and blistering retort! You'll be devastated THEN!" --Calvin
From: Interceptor | Posted: 5/15/2002 11:24:00 PM | Message Detail
Well, I think you posted in this twice...
From: Fiveanto5 | Posted: 5/24/2002 9:25:43 AM | Message Detail
Go ahead, ask me about my Nintendo sticker album.
From: SecretBoardPolice | Posted: 6/3/2002 12:18:53 AM | Message Detail
Haven't you ever had a non-sexual burning desire???
Secret Board Police ™
Steadily enforcing non-existent laws all over the secret boards...
From: secretboardhunter | Posted: 6/12/2002 9:29:37 PM | Message Detail
Just for nachos.
Am I tough? I'll have you know I stubbed my toe the other day while watering my spice garden and only cried for 20 minutes. SBSP
From: SecretGameSeeker | Posted: 6/24/2002 4:24:41 AM | Message Detail
nachos...... with cheez!
From: Interceptor | Posted: 6/25/2002 1:46:55 AM | Message Detail
cheez...... with nachos!
From: Scum | Posted: 7/1/2002 4:14:29 PM | Message Detail
I've had a sexual burning desire for nachos.
From: NinjaMaster | Posted: 7/9/2002 4:23:36 PM | Message Detail
Mm, Scum...I mean nachos! Nachos!
If you haven't yet realized that society is stupid then you must be one of them. ~Ryu
From: CKgamedude | Posted: 7/10/2002 8:58:08 PM | Message Detail
MMMmmm...topics, I mean messages! Messages!
Hugs are bunnies and bunnies are nice.
From: FBI Porker 2 | Posted: 7/23/2002 7:19:31 AM | Message Detail
Mmm feet... I mean apples!
From: MrBeall | Posted: 7/28/2002 10:35:58 PM | Message Detail
This is pure genius if anyone can sell it to me cut the price in hlf and double it!!!!!!!!
From: Solo | Posted: 8/15/2002 9:09:58 AM | Message Detail
Almost birthdady.
"If there´s no submission, there´s no power"
From: snowblind | Posted: 8/15/2002 9:13:10 AM | Message Detail
Yay, soon it'll be the one-year-of-survival day.

Well, you know, it's not like you gave birth to the topic so calling it Birthday seems odd.
Yeah, he's a freaking idiot. I don't know how I put up with him.
From: Interceptor | Posted: 8/19/2002 2:54:01 AM | Message Detail
And yet, it seems so right.
From: Solo | Posted: 9/5/2002 12:16:59 PM | Message Detail
How dare you? Trying to deny my parenthood!@#%@
"If there´s no submission, there´s no power"
From: snowblind | Posted: 9/12/2002 5:19:37 PM | Message Detail
Stop imagining you're a parent!
Yeah, he's a freaking idiot. I don't know how I put up with him.
From: superaielman | Posted: 9/13/2002 11:59:37 AM | Message Detail
this topic needs a walker. :)
My Petition:http://s1.cgi.gamefaqs.com/boards/genmessage.asp?board=7&topic=3668324
AOL Bullfighter& Arc Lighting.
From: snowblind | Posted: 9/13/2002 1:57:22 PM | Message Detail
So does Solo, he's old you know.
Yeah, he's a freaking idiot. I don't know how I put up with him.
From: Solo | Posted: 9/13/2002 2:06:47 PM | Message Detail
*resists the urge to abuse his moderator privileges*
"If there´s no submission, there´s no power"
From: snowblind | Posted: 9/13/2002 2:08:27 PM | Message Detail
*resists the urge to use his "I can tell Kelly lies about you" privileges*
Yeah, he's a freaking idiot. I don't know how I put up with him.
From: Scum | Posted: 9/13/2002 3:04:46 PM | Message Detail
*resists the urge to wish the topic a belated semi-happy birthday*

That's the second topic made on September 10th in the top of 2600. What's with the 10th?

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