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Repeating Side-Characters

Below is the list of good people that have appeared more than once in Tintin books. (That means not counting the bad guys.) It is in alphabetical order. Each person has a little bio with him or her.

Characters picture

Abdullah is the son of Emir Ben Azab. He is six years old. He loves playing pranks of people. Abdullah is a brat. He gets in everyone’s way and Tintin and the Captain went all the way to Khemed to get away from him! Prince Abdullah lives in Hasch Abaibabi in Khemed, but on that occasion he was visiting Marlinspike. Abdullah adores Captain Haddock, who he calls ‘Blistering Barnacles’. He loves when Captain says “Blistering barnacles”. And unfortunately, Captain is most often victim of his pranks.

Bianca Castafiore
Bianca Castafiore is a famous opera singer. Her hit song is ‘the jewel song’ from “Faust”. How it starts is, “Aaaah! My beauty past compare these jewels bright I wear...”ect. She is always popping up in different countries that Tintin is in. Apparently people like her singing, but Tintin and the Captain don’t. They can’t stand it! Especially Captain. Whenever he sees her, he wants to duck away from her sight! And Bianca never gets Captain Haddock’s name right (the Haddock part). She says it different every time! Like “Hammock” or “Paddock” or “Bedsock”. She gets on Captain’s nerves.

Chang Chong Chen
Chang is a Chinese boy. He is an orphan, most likely a teenager. Tintin met him and they soon became good friends. Chang is one of Tintin’s dearest friends. Tintin would do anything for Chang’s sake, that’s how strong their friendship is. Chang has a heart of gold, even said by Tintin. Every one agrees how nice he is. Tintin and Chang keep in touch, never to forget each other.

Christopher Willoughby-Drupe
A reporter for the magazine “Paris-Flash”.

Cutts the butcher
He is the town butcher. And whenever someone gets a wrong number, they always end up speaking to him. Half the time Captain tries to call someone, he gets Cutts instead. And so many times when the phone rings at Marlinspike Hall, it's someone with the wrong number is asking for Cutts!

Emir Ben Azab
He is Abdullah’s father. He calls Abdullah things like ‘little lamb’ and ‘my treasure’ even though he is always playing pranks. He is very forgiving towards Abdullah, but not toward his enemies. When Abdullah was kidnapped, he thought it was by Bab El Ehr and said, about Bab, “Son of a mangy dig!...Grandson of a scurvy jackal!...Great grandson of a moulting vulture!...My revenge will be terrible!...I will impale you on a spit!...I will roast you over a slow fire!...I will pull out your beard, one hair at a time...And I will stuff it down your throat...”

General Alcazar
He and General Tapioca fight each other over being general of San Theodoros. Alcazar is a long time friend of Tintin, he helped Tintin and his friends escape from Sponsz in Tintin and the Picaros. Then later Tintin helped him become the general of San Theodoros again. General Alcazar is married to Peggie who is always complaining about one thing or another, especially about how he's always smoking cigars.

Igor Wagner
He is Bianca Castafiore’s accompanist, who plays her piano while she sings.
Irma is Bianca Castafiore’s trusted maid. She accompanies Bianca wherever she goes.

Jolyon Wagg
(His wife is the one in the fruit hat in the characters picture) Jolyon is from the ‘Rockbottom Insurance’. He first appeared in The Calculus Affair. He is always trying to insure people up. He is very self-confident and has a huge family. He is actually very annoying, and is always talking about his uncle. He is always say, “ I said to my self, “Jolyon,” I said,” and he goes on with something.

Jolyon Wagg's family
The family of Jolyon has been in more than one Tintin book. Sometimes not all of his family members are the same -- he has a very big family. But whenever he's with his family his wife and grandmother are always there. In the characters picture at the top of this page Mrs. Wagg is the one in the fruit hat. An interesting detail: Jolyon talks constantly while his family never says a word.

Marco Rizotto
He is also a reporter for “Paris-Flash”.

Nestor is Captain Haddock’s trusty butler. He is always there when he is called. “He is beyond suspicions” says Captain. He once was the butler of the Bird Brothers.

Pablo is a Mexican man who crossed the line between good and bad three times. Once he was paid to kill Tintin, and he tried. But he was caught by Tintin, and Tintin forgave him and let him go. Then later, because he was grateful to Tintin, he helped Tintin escape execution. So we thought he was good and would stay that way, but later he tricked Tintin into believing he was helping him, but was getting Tintin into a death trap.

He is a British explorer who lives with the Arumbaya Indians in San Theodoros, South America. He lives in the jungle, and Tintin is one of the only people who knows he is alive. To the rest of the world he is died. He’s been missing for ten years.

Senhor Oliveira
He is a friend of Tintin who is a salesman. He sells things in deserts, and can sell anything to anyone. Useless things too. Even Tintin went for his things. He helped sneak Tintin into Abdullah’s kidnapper’s house.

He is a plane pilot. He was never bad, but he was piloting the mosquito fighter bomber that tried to shoot the ship Tintin was in. Tintin shot his plane down, and Skut escaped by parachute. He wears an eye patch. Afer landing in the sea, he was rescued by Tintin and the Captain.

Thats all I have. I think thats all the good people that's been in a Tintin book more that once. But maybe I 'm missing a couple. If you know someone who has been in Tintin books more than once and is not here, please let me know by e-mailing me. Click my e-mail address on the bottom of this page to do that.

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