Here are the first four books of the To be precise Archives. Every time the Thompsons say "to be precise" about something in each book, it's recorded here. All the Tintin books the Thompsons are in are in the "to be precise" archives.
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Cigars of the Pharaoh
This is the book where Tintin first met the Thompsons, and where the �to be precises� all began.
1. Thompson: �He won�t get far, if my name�s Thompson!� Thomson: �To be precise: if my name�s Thomson we won�t get far!� -p.5
2. The Thompsons are looking for Tintin to arrest him. Thompson: �We must stop him slipping out...� Thomson: �To be precise: we must stop slipping!� -p.20
3. Thompson: �Bother! We were mistaken!� Thomson: �To be precise: we�re a mistake.� p.25
4. The Thompsons have just found Tintin. Thompson: �Well, well, what a surprise to see your face again! We�d lost you completely!� Thomson: �To be precise: we�d comletely lost face!� -p.47
5. The Thompsons have just accidently knocked out the ticket collector on the train thinking he was Tintin. Thomson: �Goodness gracious! It�s the ticket collector!� Thompson: �To be precise: we�ve collected a ticket!� -p.47
6. Thompson: �He�s gone: it�s all clear.� Thomson: �To be precise: the all clear�s gone!� -p.50
7. Thomson: �And there was a plan of this bolt-hole, too. We heard about it so here we are.� Thompson: �To be precise: so where are we?� -p.57
The Blue Lotus
This is only the second time the Thompsons have been in a Tintin book.
1. Thompson: �What�s so funny, Your Worship?� Thomson: �To be precise, why�s he making fun of us?� -p.47
2. The Thompsons are on a train and arriving at the station. Thomson: �Here we are again.� Thompson: �To be precise: here we aren�t. It�s three hours, walk to Hukow... What a life, Thomson, what a life!� -p.49
3. Thomson: �Good morning... Er... Here we are at last...� Thompson: �To be precise: good morning. Here we are, last as usual...�
Not even Tintin knew what to say to that. �Um... er... So here you are?� he said. -p.61
The Broken Ear
1. A fertish was stolen from a museum. Thomson: �Well, the Arumbaya fertish has no instinctive value...The solution is quite simple: it was removed by a collector.� Thompson: �To be precise: it was collected by a remover.�
2. Thomson: �My mind is made up: this letter is anonymous. Nobody knows who wrote it!� Thompson: �To be precise: I agree. A anonymous letter nobody wrote!�
Did the Thompsons make you laugh? Those two are so funny. By now you�re probably wondering how I know if it�s Thompson or Thomson talking. Well, the only difference between the two of them is; Thomson�s mustache is slightly curled at the ends; while Thompson�s mustache is completely straight. Here are all the Thompsons� �to be precises� in the The Black Island Tintin book.
1. Thompson: �It all looks very fishy to me.� Thomson: �To be precise: the whole thing looks like me, very fishy.� -p.2
2. The Thompsons slip on a wet floor. Thompson: �Why can�t you look where you�re going?� Thomson: �To be precise: speak for yourself.� -p.2
3. The Thompsons arrest Tintin. He was in handcuffs, but when they were asleep he got away and handcuffed the Thompsons together. When they wake up: Thomson: �He�s given us the slip. Got away, with handcuffs, too. What a cheek!� Thompson: �To be precise: he�s given us away. Slipped us the handcuffs, too. What a sneak!� -p.4
4. The Thompsons are having their handcuffs broken.Thomson: � Just wait till I get my hands on him!� Thompson: �To be precise: ... just wait till we get our hands!� -p.5
5. A private plane dives at the Tompsons and Tintin. Thomson: �Ruffians!� Thompson: �To be precise: road-hogs!� -p.37
6. Thomson: �I�m beginning to agree with Tintin: they look like crooks.� Thompson: �To be precise: so do I. Tintin may be right: they look like rooks!� -p.37
7. Thompson: �A g-g-ghost!� Thomson: �To be p-p-precise: a s-s-sp-spook!� -p.61
8. Tintin: �You aren�t coming back with me by air?� Thompson: �By air? ...No thank you...To be precise: we don�t find the pilots entirely... reliable!� -p.62
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