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Welcome to 980's subprofile.

Monster Rancher Advance
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And if you have a problem

I realy don't care

-Okay in case you can't tell... I am obsessed with baseball, and I am a big Mets fan (look at the name foo).

-I also like video games, it's not like I am obsessed with them or anything (must kill, must destroy) err... anyways, I play games and I have no problems *eye starts to shake* and um, yea.

-Okay the truth is I am obsessed with one series of games, a series that is so great, and so advanced (it's on GBA!!!) (and was ruined by the crappiest kiddie marketing cartoon ever) that it could be the only game series that I am obsessed with, yes it is monster rancher, along with Bomberman (Bombs + Little gay kiddy figures + Shit = fun!!) and of course the GTA series (GREATEST THING EVER, Minigun + Night club = equals soooo much fun!!!) fine, it's not like I have a whole memory card filled with all files of monster rancher (I have 3 :P) .

-Okay with baseball, I am seriously obsessed, I mean I am like loosing sleep obsessed (HELP ME!!)... and umm... yea in case you wanted to know I am what is known as "A stat man", or a person obsessed with numbers. If you don't believe me, here is evidence: I am a big Eric Byrnes fan (I have never watched him even swing the bat) and it's only because of these numbers: .303 AVG with a .370 OBP (Holy shiznit garfield!!!) not to mention a .522 SLG and an amazing .892 OPS out of the freaking leadoff spot... not to mention he has a .991 FPCT in CF... phew, don't try this at home you n00b.

-And if you don't believe me here is the proof that Eric Byrnes realy has those stats (the stats are to the date of 7/13/03 O.o) : Eric Byrnes stats.

-Yea I am going to update this (duh you dumbarse) and add more (nah). So be ready for it (or you can go hide in your corner *eye twitches*).

-Don't ask what the snow is about, k.

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