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Abbey's Homepage

Hi everyone! Abs here! Welcome to my site. Doesn't it rock? hehe. Just joking.

So here's the latest: School just got out on the 22nd. Summer break is here and I'm lovin' it. We don't have to go back to school until September 5th. They're doing construction on our school so we get an extra long summer this year.

June 9-12 I'm going on a family vacation to lake Tanneycomo in the Ozarks. They go to go fishing, but it's cool 'cause I get to sit by the pool and read all day.

July 11-18 I get to go to a youth camp in Colorado with my friend Jacque and her youth group. I went last year and had a blast, other than the fact that it rained everyday...and our tents weren't waterproof.

August, though, is the best. On the 12th my aunt and I are flying out to California to meet up with another one of my aunts, her husband, and their two children. Then we're HAWAII!!! I've been wanting to go to Hawaii since I was 5 years old. We're going to be on Maui for a week, then spend another week on the Big Island. We're gonna go scuba diving and kyaking. I'm planning on learning to surf, and I also really want to go parasailing. I can't wait.

That's all for now, but check in next week, there'll probably be some new stuff. L8erz! Abs