Dan's page of weird and freaky stuff!

Hey, it's me!...I'm Dan...and yup..this page is about me and what I do kinda conceited huh. So what about me...yeah I'm great I guess, if you wondering where the wierd and freaky things are, there are none I used that as a reel to get you to my page..cool eh..:) Aboout me, My name is Daniel James Pittman, I'm from greenwood, Nova Scotia, I attend a school...I'm afraid to say which one, but it's kinda obvious..west kings, I dont have very many friends...sorry..:(. And ladies I'am Avliable (nnot really) (shakes his bootie) Sorry I'm not that cute..hehe. I play guitar...I'm a muzak freak! I play everything, Metallica, Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Pink Floyd, Smashing pumpkins, I try to play a little bit of everything, besides pop...ewww. The Events of September 11th 2001 have touched us all. I give out my heart felt condolences to the familes of the rescue workers who have died for the others. God Bless all your souls and too all the people who have missing relatives, never break the faith amigo's!. Well as of this summer I will not be living here, my dad has been posted to new brunswick. I'am extremely upset but I think I can manage, to all of my friends, I will miss you all so much. Thanks for all the memories of the last 12 years guys :).

shit to ma friends
shit about me
stuff about my music
about what goes on inside my head
My fruity little Journal.
some pics of me and amy and Justin, at our 3 person partay!
a little thing for my special little one.
My Musical influences
A pooh.
A pooh part 2
Kurt Cobain's Suicide Note.
yet another pooh.
man, how many more pooh's are there.
blah blah blah, pooh.
The final pooh.
Photo's from Wrestlemania X8 (no we didn't go..just pics from the PPV at my house)
Photo's from Wrestlemania X8
Photo's from Wrestlemania X8
Photo's from Wrestlemania X8
Photo's from Wrestlemania X8
Photo's from Wrestlemania X8
Photo's from Wrestlemania X8